Identify Responses


The response to an identified risk will help to focus on what to do about the potential problem. This activity is used to define the possible responses to each consequence.

The aim is to record possible responses, whether they are eventually implemented or not. An assessment of what the response would cost is important to assist in evaluating the best solutions to the risk.


The risk analysis must include at least one consequence record.

System Effects



Risk Analysis Navigator
Risk Responses
Risk Response

Related Window Descriptions

Risk Analysis Navigator/Response List
Risk Responses
Risk Response


Use the following procedure to define the response for a particular problem:

  1. Open the Risk Analysis Navigator window and select the Response List tab. Query for the required risk analysis and select the select the consequence node from the navigator. Alternatively, you can enter responses from either the  Risk Responses or Risk Response windows as well.
  2. Click New (F5) to create a new record.
  3. Enter a response ID for the record that is created with status Pending.
  4. In the Consequence ID field, use the List of Values to select a consequence record that you want to define responses for. Note: If you use the Response List tab on the Risk Analysis Navigator window, this field will not be displayed on this tab.
  5. In the Response Description field, enter a short description of the possible responses that can be taken.
  6. For the Response Type, select the category of response, from the list, to which the particular record will belong.
  7. In the Mitigation Cost field, enter the cost of carrying out the response.
  8. In the Secondary Risk field, consider additional problems that could be caused as a result of executing the response.
  9. For the Status field, select a status that you want to assign to the particular response.
  10. In the Response Note field, enter any notes that you want to add about the response.
  11. Click Save.