Transfer Rental Transactions


This activity is used to transfer rental transactions that fulfill the transfer conditions specified in IFS Financials and have not been previously transferred.

Note: The amount on the rental transaction is rounded to the number of decimals set up for the currency code of the accounting currency. If the amount is rounded to zero, no postings will be created for the rental transaction and hence no vouchers lines will be created for those transactions.


Non-transferred rental transactions have to exist.

System Effects


Transfer Rental Transactions

Related Window Descriptions

Transfer Rental Transactions


You can either transfer rental transactions directly (procedure A), or schedule the task as a background job (procedure B).

A. To Transfer Rental Transactions Directly:

  1. Open the Transfer Rental Transactions dialog box. 
  2. Enter a new date or use the existing date in the To Date field.
  3. Enter a value in the Site field, or click List to select a value from the List of Values. 
  4. If all the necessary selection criteria have been defined, click OK to complete the operation.

B. To Schedule The Transfer Rental Transactions Task as a Background Job:

  1. Click Schedule to open the Create New Task Schedule window. Set the scheduling parameters as required and save. Scheduled tasks can be seen in Scheduled Database Tasks window.