Change Rental Mode


This activity is used for changing a rental mode. As the usage of a rental asset changes, a rental event can be entered to change the mode, e.g.,  when the asset is put into operation after having been transported. The mode for a rental event indicates the type of usage and also affects the pricing of the rental asset for the event. Typical examples of modes include In Operation (charged fully), Under Transport (charged at a lower rate), Dirty Environment (charged at a higher rate) and Stand-down (no charging).


Rental has to have been started for a rental line before the mode can be changed. (Note that a mode is also set as part of the Start Rental event).

System Effects

By changing the mode of a rental line, the new mode will be stored in the Rental Events History. When generating rental transactions the new mode will be used, either for newly created transactions, or (if transactions had already been generated for the time period the event refers to), for any adjustment transactions created.


Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench
Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Rental Parts
Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks/Resources/Rental

Related Window Descriptions

Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench
Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Rental Parts
Prepare Work Order//Work Tasks/Resources/Rental
Start Rental/ Create Manual Event/ End Rental  


  1. Open the Manage Rentals window.
  2. Query for the rental with the mode to be changed, in the Rental No field.
  3. Select the record, right-click and click Create Manual Event.
  4. Enter the event date and time that the new mode should be valid from, in the respective fields.
  5. Optionally select an event end date and event end time, which will revert the mode and price factor to the original value at this date/time. (This is typically used for planned stand-downs).
  6. Optionally enter a note to be saved in the event history.
  7. In the table part of the dialog box, adjust the values in the Mode and Price Factor fields.
  8. Click OK.