Register Recruitment Document Templates


Within the recruitment application there are a number of preinstalled document templates for use in different activities such as e.g. Declining Applicants. These documents all reside in the runtime folder and may be changed at any time. It is also possible to add new documents which you can connect to a certain sub process in the recruitment process. These new document will be available from the application depending on what you connect the document to in the basic data setup. 


Word Template Definition

Related Window Descriptions

Word Template Definition


  1. Open the Word Template Definition window and add a new record.
  2. In the Document field, enter the file path to the document, e.g., C:\Templates\Advertisements\RecruitmentFR.doc.
  3. In the Description field, enter the description of the document, e.g., Recruitment Application - French.
  4. In the Document Type field, select the appropriate type of a document. Types that are associated with recruitment templates are Applicant Rejection Type, Applicant Receive Type, Candidate, Job Advertisement.
  5. Select the Active check box to activate the document (other checkboxes are not used for recruitment documents).
  6. Save the information.