Split into Serials


The arrival registration is performed in different dialog boxes depending on whether the parts are serial handled and whether serial numbers will be defined at the arrival registration or later. If you are handling serial handled parts and have decided to postpone the serial numbering, you should have entered the arrival by using the dialog box for parts without serial numbers.

To be able to report arrival with serial numbers, serial tracking at receipt and issue and serial tracking after delivery must have been activated in IFS/Part Catalog. If serial tracking in inventory is activated, then serial tracking at receipt and issue must also be activated. A serial rule, either automatic or manual, also must be specified. Serial numbers can be reserved via the Operations menu on the source order line. Reserved serial numbers are used first and are displayed automatically in the Serial No column. Automatically generated serial numbers are also displayed automatically in the Serial No column. When you specify the serial numbers manually, you can click Sequence to create a sequence of numbers and add prefixes and suffixes (both numerical and alphanumerical).

Example: Prefix = ABC, Suffix = DEF

From Serial NoTo Serial No

This example would give ten serial numbers: ABC110DEF, ABC111DEF, ABC112DEF, ABC113DEF, ABC114DEF, ABC115DEF, ABC117DEF, ABC120DEF, ABC121DEF, ABC122DEF.

When the serial tracking is activated, it will be mandatory to specify serial numbers during the arrival and receipt flow. If the part is serial tracked in inventory, it will always have a serial number in inventory and throughout the life cycle. If the part is serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, the part will not have a serial number in inventory.

When splitting an arrival into serial numbers, you have the option of changing the operational condition of the serial to either Operational or Non Operational.


System Effects

Serial numbers are assigned to the parts on the receipt line.

For inventory-registered purchase parts with a Company Owned ownership type, postings are created with the debit posting type M3, Inventory transfer, and the credit posting type M1, Inventory. When the serial number is assigned, a debit posting type M1, Inventory, and a credit posting type M3, Inventory transfer, is assigned for each serial number. However, postings are not created for parts that have either Customer Owned or Supplier Loaned ownership types.

For purchase order receipts, when indicating the serial numbers for parts that are owned by a customer for which part acquisition values are handled on serial level, the unit price (excluding any discount or additional cost) from the purchase order line will be used as automatically-created initial estimate part acquisition values, if not previously registered for the combinations of part number, customer and serial numbers.

If the serial-tracked parent part has been in inventory before, its persistent ownership is updated in both the Part Serial and As Built Structure windows. In addition, the persistent ownership of any component material that is not Supplier Loaned, changes to the new part ownership of the parent part.

If the Print Serviceability Tag check box is selected, a serviceability tag is printed for each serial. Serviceability tag refers to the tag used in the Aviation industry to clearly identify an uninstalled component or assembly and its current status. The serviceability status is automatically determined by the system based the operational status and operational condition (current or new operational condition) of the serial. Therefore,

If you have selected a new operational condition, the operational condition of the serial is changed to the new value. If a serviceability tag is selected to be printed for the serial, the new operational condition will be used to determine the status in which the tag should be printed.



Related Window Descriptions

Split into Serials


  1. Either populate or query for the desired order number. If you have several receipts for an order, you must select the correct receipt number by using the list box in the Order No field.
  2. Select the Details tab. Select the line in question, right-click and then click Split into Serials. The Split Receipts into Serials dialog box opens.
  3. In this dialog box, you can view some information about the receipt line. The quantity on the receipt line is also displayed individually. When reserved serial numbers exist, or when you use the automatic serial rule, serial numbers are displayed in the Serial No column. If you use the manual serial rule and no reserved numbers exist, you must specify manually serial numbers in the Serial No column. Either enter the serial numbers directly in the column or use the sequence generator.
  4. To use the sequence generator, click Sequence and the Enter Sequence/Interval dialog box opens. Specify a prefix and/or suffix if desired. Enter a start value and an end value for the sequence and confirm by clicking OK. The dialog box closes and you return to the previous dialog box.
  5. In the New Operational Condition field, enter a new operational condition for all serials displayed in the table. Note: If the operational condition is set to Not Applicable or if the field is left blank, it will not be possible to print a serviceability tag.
  6. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box if you want the serviceability tag to be printed for all serials displayed in the serial. Note: If the value of the PRNT_SERVICE_TAG_ACS object property in System Definition/Object Property is set to TRUE, this check box will be selected by default. The value of this check box can be changed, if needed.
  7. Confirm by clicking on the OK button.