Print Supplier Returns


Once returns for credit and/or rework have been entered, it is possible to print a supplier returns report to accompany the returned goods. This is performed in the Supplier Shipment window.


System Effects

A supplier returns report is printed.


Receipt, Supplier Shipment

Related Window Descriptions

Receipt, Receipt/Return, Register Result, Supplier Shipment


Print a supplier returns report from the Receipt/Return tab:

  1. In the Receipt/Return tab, right click and select the Supplier Shipment Lines... option.
  2. In the Supplier Shipment Lines window, select the line Supplier Shipment... option.
  3.  Select the Print Return Note... option in the Supplier Shipment window.
  4. Click OK in the dialog box that opens to print the report.

Print a supplier returns report from the Supplier Shipment window:

  1. Open the Supplier Shipment window.
  2. Search for the shipment for which you wish to print the return note.
  3. Select the Print Return Note... option in the header of the Supplier Shipment window.
  4. Click OK in the dialog box that opens to print the report.