Set Expiration Date


The expiration date is the validity period of storage for the part. Normally, this date is calculated in connection with the arrival registration by using any settings for shelf life days and shelf life weeks on the inventory part. However, you can manually specify an expiration date on a specific receipt line.

It is strongly recommended to use the expiration date, together with serial numbers or lot/batch numbers. Otherwise the expiration date is valid for all parts with the same part number on this specific location; if you change the expiration date on a receipt line, you are changing the expiration date for all parts with this part number on this particular location. However, if you have the same part number but different W/D/R numbers in a specific location, only the parts with the same W/D/R number must have the same expiration date.


System Effects

An expiration date is specified or updated for the receipt line, i.e., the entire current location if no serial or lot/batch numbers are used. Expiration dates on serial or lot/batch numbered parts in the same location are not affected.



Related Window Descriptions

Set Expiration Date


  1. Either populate or query for the source order number in question. If you have several receipts for an order, you also must select the correct receipt number by using the list box in the Source Ref 1 field.
  2. Select either the Details tab. Select the required line, right-click and then click Set Expiration Date. On the dialog box that appears, enter the desired date, such as 2004-12-03 (the 3rd of December, 2004).