Define Control Plan Category Data Type


This activity is used to define a new category ID and category value.



System Effects

A new category ID and category value ID is created.

Note: A category ID that has been enabled for the use of SPC and Acceptance Sampling can only be partially edited.
Note: A category value ID that is set to Hidden will not be displayed in the List of Values.


Control Plan Category Data Type

Related Window Descriptions

Control Plan Category Data Type


  1. Create a new record.
  2. Enter a Category ID and a Category ID Description.
  3. Save the record.
  4. Select the Category Value tab and create a new record.
  5. Enter a Category Value ID and a Category Value ID Description.
  6. If the Category Value ID entered should be considered as nonconforming, select the Nonconforming check box.
  7. Repeat step 5-7 if appropriate.
  8. Save the record.
  9. If this category ID is to be used for SPC and acceptance sampling, select the Enable for SPC and Acceptance Sampling check box in the header section.

Note: You can also attach media to your Category Value ID.