
[To Initiate Purchase] [To Manage Purchase] [To Procurement, Supplier Scheduling] [To Supplier Management]


Use this tab window to enter general supplier purchase data, such as the supplier statistic group, purchaser, payment terms, and discount rate. You also can store information about any quality certification and environmental approval that the supplier has acquired, as well as whether your company is credit approved at the supplier. This tab window is also used to indicate both that the supplier has been created as a new quick-registered supplier and whether it is used as a supplier template.

Activity Diagrams

General Customer Information
BDR for Charge/No Charge
BDR for Externally Owned Stock
Manage Fixed Supplier Additions
Manage Supplier Discounts


Enter General Supplier Purchase Info
Connect Customer to Supplier
Enter Fixed Addition for Supplier
Enter a Discount for Supplier
Define Tax Calculation Basis
Convert Supplier to Customer