Change Recreated Project Transaction


This activity is used to modify the recreated transaction lines of a project correction invoice. The recreated transaction line is a copy of the original project transaction linked to a project invoice line. A project correction invoice can have several recreated transactions depending on the number of project invoice lines and the number of transactions linked to each line. When a correction project invoice is created, an additional invoice line with the Preliminary Update Allowed check box selected is automatically created for each invoice line.

Depending on whether the original project invoice was based on an invoice plan or a project transaction, you will be allowed to modify the recreated transaction line in the Invoicing Plan window or the Project Transactions window.


System Effects


Project Transactions
Invoicing Plan

Related Window Descriptions

Project Transactions
Invoicing Plan


To change the recreated project invoice transaction line:

  1. Open the Project Invoice/Lines tab.
  2. Selected the invoice line with Recreated status. Right Click and click on Project Transactions. This will open either the Project Transactions window or the Invoicing Plan window.
  3. Change the values on the transaction line.