Spread and Verify Resource Forecast Allocation


Perform this activity to spread the resource forecast row over time. You can spread the resource hours over time in different ways.

Once the hours have been spread, you can also verify the consumption compared to the capacity of a row.

Note, however, that the costs are determined by summing up rounded values per accounting period, and therefore there is a potential for some margin of error due to rounding issues.


System Effects


Project Resource Forecast

Related Window Descriptions

Resource Forecast Allocation
Spread with Date Range
Spread with Profile


Use the following procedure to automatically spread a resource forecast line using a spread profile over days:

  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window.
  2. Select the resource line, right click and select the Spread with Profile menu option.
  3. In the dialog box that opens, optionally select Override Spread Profile on Line and select a spread profile
    in Spread Profile by using List button, click OK.

Use the following procedure to manual spread a resource forecast line over days:

  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window.
  2. Select the resource line, right click and select the Resource Forecast Allocation menu option to view the graph.
  3. Select the Day tab.
  4. Create an allocation for a date and load hours. The date must be within early start and latest finish date of the row.
  5. Save the record.

Use the following procedure to manually spread a resource forecast line over weeks:

  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window.
  2. Select the resource line, right click and select the Resource Forecast Allocation menu option to view graph.
  3. Select the Week tab.
  4. Create an allocation for week, year and load hours. The week must be within the early start and latest finish date of the row. The hours will be spread linear over the dates in the week.
  5. Save the record.

Use the following procedure to manually spread a resource forecast line over months:

  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window.
  2. Select the resource line, right click and select the Resource Forecast Allocation menu option to view graph.
  3. Select the Month tab.
  4. Create an allocation for month, year and load hours. The month must be within the early start and latest finish date of the row. The hours will be spread linear over the dates in the month.
  5. Save the record.

Use the following procedure to manually spread a resource forecast line over years:

  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window.
  2. Select the resource line, right click and select the Resource Forecast Allocation menu option to view the graph.
  3. Select the Year tab.
  4. Create an allocation for year and load hours. The year must be within the early start and latest finish date of the row. The hours will be spread linear over the dates in the year.
  5. Save the record.

Use the following procedure to spread a resource over user defined time buckets:

  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window.
  2. Select the resource, right click and select the Spread with Date Range menu option.
  3. In the Spread with Date Range dialogue box click New to enter a new line and enter a time bucket within the start and end date of the resource line.
  4. Either enter Number of Hours per Day or enter the Spread Hours and they will be spread linear over the time bucket.
  5. Click Apply to apply the spread the row and continue with more time buckets if needed.
  6. Click OK when the profiling is ready and the window will be closed. If you want to reject the profiling click cancel.

Use the following procedure to verify the allocation:

  1. Open the Project Resource Forecast window.
  2. Select the resource line, right click and select the Resource Forecast Allocation menu option to view the graph.
  3. Select one of the available tabs depending on the graph detail level you wish.