Register Activity Classes


Activity classes are used to categorize activities. The registered classes and its values are available when you create a new activity. The activity class and value is for information only.


System Effects


Activity Classes

Related Window Descriptions

Activity Classes


  1. Open the Activity Classes window and create a new record in the class table.
  2. Enter a class and its description.
  3. Select whether the activity class should be used globally (for all projects in all companies) or per project by setting the Validity. If the validity is set to project you also have to specify for which project it should be used.
  4. You can block the class for used by selecting the Blocked for Used check box.
  5. Save the class.
  6. Create a new record in the values table to specify the values that are valid for each activity class.
  7. Enter a description for the value if required.
  8. You can block the value for use by selecting the Blocked for Used check box.
  9. Save the values.