Refresh Project Connections


Once different types of objects are connected to a project there can be occasions where the cost/revenue and hour values in the object are revised and these revisions may not be reflected on the project connection. Therefore project connection should be refreshed:

This function can be performed for all the the projects in the company when the All Projects check box is selected. You can also select the All Objects check box as well which would refresh all the object connections in all the projects. Note that if it is executed for all the projects the operation will run as a background job. 

The project connections refresh will be executed for the released activities whereas it will not be executed for the cancelled activities.

By default, project connections refresh will exclude activities in Completed/Closed state.
If you select Completed check box, this function will be executed for the activities in Completed state and if you select Closed check box, this function will be executed for the activities in Closed state.

If this function is executed during an upgrade process or if the project has too many project connections, you can clear the Gather Statistics check box to refresh the cost/revenue faster than usual for the selected projects. Clearing the Gather Statistics check box enables you to eliminate the statistics generation and update during the cost/revenue refresh. Then the count of available connections and updated connections will not be displayed.


System Effects


Project Connection Refresh Runs

Related Window Descriptions

Refresh Project Connections
Project Connection Refresh Details
Project Connection Refresh Runs


  1. Open the Project Connection Refresh Runs window and select the Refresh Project Connections option from the right mouse button menu. You can perform this from the Project Connection Refresh Details window which is accessed by the Details right mouse button menu option on the Project Connection Refresh Runs window as well.
  2. Enter the required project ID or select from the List of Values.
  3. Select the object that you want to refresh from the Object Type list. Alternatively, you can select the All Objects check box which will refresh all the connected objects that belong to the project.
  4. Select Completed/Closed check boxes if you want to execute Project Connections Refresh for Completed/Closed activities respectively.
  5. Clear the Gather Statistics check box to refresh the project faster during an upgrading process or if the project has too many connections.
  6. Click OK.