Complete Project


Perform this activity when a project needs to be promoted to the Completed status. This is typically done when the project activities have been closed. If all the activities are not in the Closed status, you will be prompted to close these activities first. The project will be set to the Completed status only if all the activities are closed, if not the status of the project will remain unchanged. You are able to to check for any incomplete work on the activity before closing the project, in the Unfinished Activity Work window.

It is possible to either restart or close a completed project.

Note that once the project has been completed or closed, any history logging that has been scheduled for it should be turned off, if not, unnecessary logging will continue.


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Project window and query for the project you want to complete.
  2. Right-click on it, point to Status and then click on Complete