Cost, Hours and Revenue Reported to Activity

Costs, hours and revenue can be reported to an activity from a wide range of connected objects, e.g. Purchase Orders, Shop Orders, Work Orders, Sales Contracts, Document Packages, Tasks, Resources etc. (Refer About Activity Connections for a complete list of objects). As the connected object is planned and executed, values of cost, hours and revenue is reported back to the activity.

The cost and revenue values will always be reported from the connected objects in base and transaction currency. If multi-currency and/or project currency have been enabled for Budgeting and Forecasting purposes for the project, then cost and revenue will also be reported in base currency using the fixed Budgeting and Forecasting rate and/or the project currency. The values are displayed in base currency in all forms where cost and revenue are available, while the other currencies are displayed only in the Connections forms.

Note: This document explains how different objects report cost, hours or revenue to an activity, refer the tables below for detailed information about each object. For information on how connected objects retrieve progress and earned value, refe About Earned Value and Progress.


Connected objects can report cost and hours information to the activity. The type of information retrieved depends on the connected object. The information is reported using the project cost elements that are defined for the connected object. The cost/hours information can be viewed for each activity in the Project Navigator/ Activity, Activity /Cost or Activity/Hours tabs. It is also possible to view cost/hours per sub project or for the whole project in the Project Navigator window.In the Project Navigator/Connections or Activity/Connections tabs it is possible to view detailed information about the connected objects.

The possible stages of cost/hours values are:


Connected objects can report revenue information to the activity. The type of information retrieved depends on the connected object. The information is reported using the project revenue elements that are defined for the connected object. The revenue information can be viewed for each activity in Project Navigator/Connections/Activity or Activity /Revenue tab. It is also possible to view revenue per sub project or for the whole project in the Project Navigator windowIn the Project Navigator/Connections or Activity/Connections tab it is possible to view detailed information about the connected objects.

The possible stages of revenue values are:


The following tables show how the different objects report cost, hours or revenue information to the activity. Any object which reports any type of cost, hours and revenue to projects will report these values on a cost/revenue element.


The Planned Cost Driver determines from where the Planned Cost and Planned Hours are retrieved. When the Planned Cost Driver for the activity is:

The objects report cost/hours to the activity as follows:


When the Purchase Order for a Part/No Part has been released. The committed values will be held by the purchase order line object.

Object   Values Reported
Estimated Planned Planned Committed Committed Used Actual
Activity Estimates Activity Estimate Values are taken from the Estimated Cost or Estimated Hours field in the Activity/Estimate tab          
Compatible Unit Estimated Revision check box must be ticked.          
Project Tasks     Values are taken from the Planned Cost or Planned Hours field in Tasks tab.        
Activity Resources     Values are taken from the Planned Cost and Planned Hours fields in the Resource/Resource Planning tab. The values are calculated based on the cost associated with the Resource ID and are updated when planned hours are entered.        
Document Package     Values are taken from the Planned Cost and Planned Hours fields in the Document Package window.        
Change Order     Values are taken from the Planned Cost and Planned Hours fields in Change Order/Actions tab, CO Action Lines table.        
Design Object     Values are taken from the Planned Cost and Planned Hours fields on the Project tab of the Design Object window.        
Project Miscellaneous Demand Supply Option: Purchasing   For a Purchase Part/No Part/Inventory Part requirement line the cost is taken from the Planned Cost field in Planned Cost/Hours per Cost Element window (right mouse button menu option Cost Elements) and summed up to the Total Planned Cost field. Planned Cost is retrieved in the following order: 1) Expected Supplier Price per Unit, 2) Costing, 3) Inventory Value, 4) Estimated Cost.

For a Purchase Part/Inventory Part requirement line the hours are taken from the Planned Hours field in the Planned Cost/Hours per Cost Element window (right mouse button menu option Cost Elements) and summed up to the Hours Planned field. Hours of Purchase No Part requirement line will follow the same method as above and will not be summed up.

Supply Option: Shop Order   The values are calculated based on part costing, depending on the posting control setup. Cost set 1 values should exist in part costing in order to get the project planned cost. Cost of the non-standard planned components are excluded from the planned cost. Non-Std Planned items must be entered separately on the Miscellaneous Demand line for both cost and hours.

Hours are taken from the routing defined for the shop order (Shop Order/Operation tab).

Supply Option: PMRP and DOP    The values are calculated based on part costing, depending on the posting control setup. Cost set 1 values should exist in part costing in order to get the project planned cost.These supply options use the full BOM (Bill of Material) costing for creating planned values.        
Project Miscellaneous Demand
(Direct Issue from Inventory)
    When a miscellaneous demand for a part is entered.     When items are issued from standard inventory, or from project inventory (depending on the Material Allocation flag on the project). The cost is updated by the Inventory value. When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Project Miscellaneous Demand
(Rental Charging)
    For a rental part requirement line, the cost is taken from the Planned Cost field in Planned Cost/Hours per Cost Element window (menu option Cost Elements) and summed up to the Total Planned Cost field. Planned cost is retrieved in the following order: 1) Expected Supplier Price per Unit, 2) Costing, 3) Inventory Value, 4) Estimated Cost. The expected supplier price per unit is only used as the planned cost and is not transferred to the purchase requisition. The order quotation functionality is not supported for miscellaneous rental parts. When release the PR & create the PO, Planned Committed Cost will transfer to Purchase Order Line Part. When release the PO. When rental events and rental transactions have been generated. When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Forecast Demand     Purchase Part:

For a Purchase Part/Inventory Part requirement line the cost is calculated the same way it is done for Misc Demand/Misc Part. Planned Cost is retrieved in the following order: 1) Expected Supplier Price per Unit, 2) Costing, 3) Inventory Value, 4) Estimated Cost and is saved in the Project Navigator/Connections tab.

Manufacturing Part:

For a Manufactured Part the cost is calculated the same way it is done for Misc Demand/Shop Order. If the structure contains other forecasted parts, these will not be included in the planned value. They will have to be entered separately. The values are saved in the Project Navigator/Connections tab.

Compatible Unit Execution Item   Estimates from the Compatible Unit is reported to Activity Estimate object connection.


Planning is done on the Execution Item in the Compatible Unit Navigator. The Compatible Unit must be Released to give planned cost to the activity. Execution of the planned work is done from the Work Order. When the Work Order planning originates from a Compatible Unit, the Report Planned Cost check box on the Work Order is not ticked.

In the Execution Item/Work List/Resources tab enter a line for a resource of type Person or Tool/Equipment, that has a cost rate defined.

In the Execution Item/Materials tab create a line for a Part and specify the quantity required. This is for parts with the supply code Invent Order and Project Inventory.

For non Inventory Purchase Parts: In the Execution Item/Requisition Planning tab create a line for a non Inventory Part/No Part and specify the units required.

Compatible Unit Procurement Activity     Planning is done on the Execution Item in the Compatible Unit Navigator. The Compatible Unit must be Released to give planned cost to the activity. The procurement process that follows is done via PMRP.

In the Execution Item/Materials tab create a line for a Part and specify the quantity required. This is for parts with the supply code Project Inventory.  

Work Order In the Prepare Work Order/ Work Tasks/Resources/Demands tab enter a line and select the demand type; Persons or Tool/Equipment. Enter a resource group and/or a resource that has a cost rate defined. The resource must be defined as a Maintenance resource. The planned values will be held by the work order object.

In the Prepare Work Order/Materials tab create a material requsition line for a Part and specify the quantity required. The supply code can be set to Invent Order or Project Inventory.
For supply code: Inventory Order, the planned cost is taken as the Inventory value. The demand will be included in the MRP demand/supply calculation.
For supply code: Project Inventory, the supplier price is taken as the planned cost for the demand as it will be procurred through the project. The demand will be included in the PMRP demand/supply calculation. The planned values will be held by the work order object.

In the Prepare Work Order/Planning tab create a line for either cost type External or Expenses and specify the quantity and cost required. The planned values are held by the work order object.

In the Prepare Work Order/Requisitions tab create a line for a Part/No Part and specify the quantity required. Supplier price is taken as the planned value. The planned values will be held by the purchase requisition object.

When the purchase requsition line is added for a Part/No Part. The planned committed cost is reported by the purchase requisition line object.

Note: when a Purchase Order is created from the Purchase Requsition, the reporting of planned committed cost is  inherited to the purchase order line.

When the purchase order line is created for the Part/No Part and it is in Planned status.The planned committed cost is reported by the purchase order line object.

When releasing the Work Order, the work order object reports committed cost and hours for resources (Persons, Tool/Equpiment) and committed cost for External, Expenses and Material Requsition Lines with supply code Invent Order.

Report time on the operations in Report In Work Order/Time Report tab.

Report hours in the Prepare Work Order/Tools and Facilities tab.

When time is reported for a resource of type Person in the Prepare Work Order/Work Task tab. Used Cost is reported by the work order object.

When time is reported for a resource of type Tool/Equipment in the Prepare Work Order/Work Task tab. Used Cost is reported by the work order object.

When cost is reported reported for External and Expenses in the Prepare Work Order/Work Task tab. Used Cost is reported by the work order object.

When material with the supply code Invent Order is Issued in the Prepare Work Order/Materials tab. Used Cost is reported by the work order object.

When the Purchase Order Line for a Part/No Part has been received. Used Cost is reported by the purchase order line object.

When the Purchase Order is matched with Manual Supplier Invoice, the Used Cost is updated by the voucher created when invoice is Posted.

When time is reported for a resource of type Person in the Prepare Work Order/Work Task tab. Used/Actual hours is reported by the work order object.

When hours is reported for a resource of type Tool/Equipment in the Prepare Work Order/Work Task tab. Used/Actual hours is reported by the work order object.

Requirement Activity     Value is taken from the Project Delivery/Project Item Navigator /Cost tab.     Issue some standard planned items from Inventory by selecting the right mouse button menu option Issue from Inventory in Project Product/Items tab to update.  
Customer Order Line     Cost and hours are retrieved from the connected objects, depending on the supply option. Sales Overhead is retrieved from the sales overhead cost calculated for part in Part Cost.   Updated by subsequent supply orders when they are released. Sales Overhead cost is retrieved from Part Cost. Updated by subsequent supply orders when they are further processed – refer to the relevant object type in this table.  
Purchase Requisition Line Part (or No Part)       When a PR line is added for a Part/No Part/Rental Part and then released.      
Purchase Order Line Part/ No Part/ Rental Part       When a PO line is created for the Purchase Part/No Part/Rental Part and is in Planned status. When the order for a Purchase Part/No Part/Rental Part has been released. When the order for a Purchase Part/No Part has been received.

When rental events and rental transactions have been generated for the Rental Part.

When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Purchase Order Change Order Part (or No Part)       The delta (in value) between the current purchase order and the active change order (includes statuses Planned, Released, Authorized) for Part/No Part/Rental Part.     When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Shop Order Requisition       When a shop order requisition line is added for a part through Project Material Requirements Planning (PMRP) or Project Master Scheduling (Project MS)      
Shop Order       When the shop order is in Planned state.

Values are taken from the Planned Cost field in the Shop Order Costs/Project Cost Analysis tab.
When the Shop Order is released. Values related to operations are taken from the routing defined for the shop order (Shop Order/Operation)

When the Shop Order is released. Values related to material are taken from the Shop Order components and Shop Order Costing (Shop Order Costs)

When the Shop Order is released. Values related to Subcontracting are taken from the Shop Order routing and Shop Order Costing (Subcontracting)

When the Shop Order is released. Overhead values will be taken if General Overheads are defined in Part Cost tab.

Hours are updated when reporting time on the Shop Order.

Updated when reporting time and issuing material to the Shop Order.
When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
DOP Header      


Reported from connected DOP orders (SO, PO) through the DOP Header. When hours are Reported from connected DOP orders supply (SO, PO) through the DOP header.

Reported from connected DOP order supply (SO, PO) when it is further processed through the DOP Header; refer to the relevant object type in this table.
Note! When Transactions have been transferred the used costs are displayed under the voucher rows connections instead of under the DOP header connection.
Reported from connected DOP orders supply (SO, PO) when it is further processed all the way when voucher created upon transfer of related transactions have been updated in General Ledger. through the DOP header; refer to the relevant object type in this table.
Note! When Update GL Vouchers has been run the actual costs are displayed under the General Ledger Voucher Row connections.
Material Requisition Line         When the part is Reserved. For parts with Supply Code = Inventory Order. When the part is Issued. For parts with Supply Code = Inventory Order. When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Project Transaction (Time Reporting)         When time is reported on an activity. When the transactions are confirmed and the value in the Create Cost Accounting field of the Report Code is either Yes or No, Update Project Cost. When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Project Transaction (Cost Reporting)           When cost is registered in the Project Cost Registration window. When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Project Inventory Transfer           When the quantity has been transferred from one project inventory to the present project inventory; the original project inventory decreases in cost. When the voucher created upon transfer of transaction has been updated in General Ledger.
Sub Contract Project (Sub Contract)     Planned cost is reported before activating the revision when selecting the Report Planned Cost check box, and is updated when selecting Update Planned Cost menu option.
The planned cost is reported automatically when the revision is activated. 
Planned committed cost is reported when call off values are entered on the sub contract. Planned call off amount is equal to the planned committed cost.  Committed cost is reported when the call off is released.    
Voucher Row           When voucher rows are created that report cost to a project activity. Examples:
  • When a manual voucher is created that reports cost to the project.
  • When vouchers are created for different transactions, they replace the Used value reported from the originating transactions, e.g. inventory transactions that become MPL vouchers.
  • When a supplier invoice is posted with a Project Id.
  • When receiving and certifying a sub contract valuation.


General Ledger Voucher Row             When vouchers rows that report cost to project activities have been updated to General Ledger.


Cost and hours will be as follows for different supply options in Customer orders.

Supply Code Planned Planned Committed Committed Used
Inventory Order Planned cost is retrieved in following hierarchy:

1. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.
2. Inventory value of the inventory part.
3. Estimated material cost of the inventory part.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost. Cost is reported through the connected Customer Order line.
Updated when subsequent supply orders are released.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Project Inventory For manufacturing parts, cost is retrieved from part costing where as for purchased parts as in Purchase order Direct (inventory).

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Updated when subsequent supply orders are released.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost from Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Project Delivery If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is reported as planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Updated when subsequent supply orders are released.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost from Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Purchase Order Direct (inventory) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.
2. From price list tab in supplier for purchase part window.
3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.
4. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.
5. Inventory value of the inventory part.
6. Estimated material cost of inventory part.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the Purchase Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a Purchase Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purchase Order Direct 1 (inventory) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in supplier for purchase part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

4. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.

5. Inventory value of the inventory part.

6. Estimated material cost of inventory part.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the Purchase Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a Purchase Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purchase Order Direct 2 Alt 3 (inventory) Planned cost is retrieved in following hierarchy:

1.Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.

2. Inventory value of the inventory part.

3. Estimated material cost of inventory part.

If a Sales Over Head is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the Purchase Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a Purchase Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Non-Inventory Planed cost is retrieved from Cost field in Non- Inventory Sales Part window

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
  Updated when subsequent supply orders are released. Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Project No planned cost reported. No planned committed cost reported. No committed cost reported. No planned cost reported.
Purchase Order Direct (non-inv) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in supplier for purchase part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the No Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a No Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.
Till arrival transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purchase Order Direct 1
Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in supplier for purchase part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the No Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for the No Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.
Till arrival transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purchase Order Direct 2 Alt 2(non-inv) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in supplier for purchase part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the No Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a No Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Shop Order Planed cost is retrieved from Cost set 1 values of IFS Costing.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in part cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When the shop order is in Planned state.

Values are taken from the Planned Cost field in the Shop Order Costs/Project Cost Analysis tab.
When the shop order is in released state. Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost from Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.

Used Cost incurred in shop order is reported as a typical shop order.
DOP Order Planed cost is retrieved from Cost set 1 values of IFS Costing.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
  When the DOP order is in released state. Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost from Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.

Used Cost incurred in DOP is reported as a typical DOP.
Purchase Order Transit (inventory) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in supplier for purchase part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

4. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.

5. Inventory value of the inventory part.

6. Estimated material cost of inventory part.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planed cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the Purchase Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a Purchase Part has been released. Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost from Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows. Same as Sales Overhead, used cost from Purchase order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity till arrival transactions are transferred.

After transferring, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purch Order Trans 1 (inventory) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in supplier for purchase part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

4. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.

5. Inventory value of the inventory part.

6. Estimated material cost of inventory part.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the Purchase Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a Purchase Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost from Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows. Same as Sales Overhead, used cost from Purchase order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity till arrival transactions are transferred.

After transferring, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purch Order Trans 2 Alt 3(inventory) Planned cost is retrieved in following hierarchy:

1.Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.

2. Inventory value of the inventory part.

3. Estimated material cost of inventory part.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in Part Cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the Purchase Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for the Purchase Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Till delivery transactions are transferred, used cost from Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows. Same as Sales Overhead, used cost from Purchase order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity till delivery transactions are transferred.

After transferring, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Purchase Order Transit (non-inv) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in Supplier for Purchase Part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the No Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a No Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.
Till arrival transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purch Order Trans 1 (non-inv) Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in supplier for Purchase Part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the No Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a No Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.
Till arrival transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Int. Purch Order Trans 2 Alt 2
Planned cost is retrieved in the following order of priority:

1. Price from Supplier agreement.

2. From price list tab in Supplier for Purchase Part window.

3. Price per part from supplier for purchase part.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
When order is created for the No Part and is in the Planned status.

Cost is reported under Pur Req / Pur Order to the connected activity.
When order for a No Part has been released.

Cost for the Purchase Order is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.
Till arrival transactions are transferred, used cost is reported under Pur Order to the connected activity.

After transferring transactions, used cost is reported under respective voucher rows.
Not Decided (Inv) Planed cost is retrieved in following hierarchy:

1.Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.

2. Inventory value of the inventory part.

3. Estimated material cost of inventory part.

If a Sales Overhead is defined in part cost window for the particular part, it is also included in planned cost.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Updated when subsequent supply orders are released.

Cost for the Sales Overhead is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
Not Decided (Non-Inv) Planned cost is retrieved from Cost field in Non- Inventory Sales Part window.

Cost is reported under Customer Order to the connected activity.
  Updated when subsequent supply orders are released. N/A



Updating of revenue on objects is performed against project revenue elements. Revenue objects do not report progress. The objects report revenue to the activity as follows:

Revenue Object Values Reported
Estimated Planned Preliminary Posted Actual
Activity Estimate Retrieved from the Estimated Revenue field in the Activity/Estimate tab.        
Sales Contract Project
(Sales Contract and Application for Payment)
  Retrieved from Sales Contract Line Items that have the Active revision status. The Report Planned Revenue check box can be used to view the previously planned revenue.      
Work Order   When the Work Order Line is transferred to a Customer Order Line.      

Customer Order Line Revenue

  When a Customer Order Line or Customer Order Rental Line is connected to an activity.      
Customer Order Invoice Line     When a Customer Order Invoice is created.    
Invoicing Plan   When the Invoicing Plan Line is created with the Sales Amount.      
Project Transaction Revenue   When a Project Transaction is entered which can be invoiced and has a Sales Price.      
Invoice Posting Row

(Project Invoice)
(Instant Invoice)
(Customer Invoice)

    When the Project/Instant/Customer Invoice is saved.    
External Invoice Posting Row (External Customer Invoice)     When the External Customer Invoice is loaded.    
Voucher Row       When Hold table voucher rows are created that report revenue to project activities, for example:
  • When a manual voucher is created that reports revenue to the project.
  • When submitting and certifying a sales contract application for payment.
  • When the Customer Order Invoice is posted.
  • When the Project/Instant/Customer Invoice is posted.
  • When the External Customer Invoice is posted.
General Ledger Voucher Row         When Hold table vouchers rows that report revenue to project activities are updated to General Ledger.


A Step by step example on how important activity fields are used:

For this example we work on a project containing only one activity called "Specify and purchase engine for winch". In order to complete this activity some engineers have to do a detailed specification of which engine to buy, and later the purchase department is involved in the communication with the selected supplier. The planned cost driver for all of the objects is Connected Objects, except for the Activity Resources object, for which the planned cost driver is Activity Resources. The progress method is Connected objects.

Step 1

Project Cost Element Estimated Cost Estimated Hours
Material 100,000
Work 3,000


Sum 103,000


Step 2

Now we get the following results:

Project Cost Element Estimated Cost Planned
Estimated Hours Planned Hours
Material 100,000  
Work 3,000



Sum 103,000




Step 3

Now we get the following results:

Project Cost Element Estimated Cost Planned
Earned Value - Cost Scheduled Work - Cost Estimated Hours Planned Hours Earned Value - Hours Scheduled Work - Hours
Material 100,000
Work 3,000








Sum 103,000





32 16               8

Step 4

Now we get the following results:

Project Cost Element Estimated Cost Planned Cost Earned Value -
Scheduled Work -
Committed Cost Estimated Hours Planned Hours Earned Value - Hours Scheduled Work - Hours
Material 100,000 90,000 22,500 90,000
Work 3,000      3,200 3,200 800 30 32 32 8
Sum 103,000 93,200 3,200 23,300 90,000 30 32 32 8

Step 5

Now we get the following results:

Project Cost Element Estimated Cost Planned Cost Earned Value -
Scheduled Work -
Committed Cost Used Cost Actual Cost
Material 100,000 90,000 45,000 90,000
Work 3,000 3,200 3,200 1,600  900
Sum 103,000 93,200 3,200 46,600 90,000 900
Project Cost Element Estimated Hours Planned Hours Earned Value - Hours Scheduled Work -
Used/Actual Hours
Work 30 32 32


Sum 30 32 32



Step 6

Now we get the following results:

Project Cost Element Estimated Cost Planned Cost Earned
Value -
Scheduled Work -
Committed Cost Used Cost Actual Cost
Material 100,000 90,000 45,000 90,000 45,000 45,000 22,500
Work 3,000 3,200 3,200 3,200 2,250 2,250
Sum 103,000 93,200 48,200 93,200 45,000 47,250 24,750
Project Cost Element Estimated Hours Planned Hours Earned Value - Hours Scheduled Work -
Committed Hours Used/Actual Hours
Work 30 32 32


Sum 30 32        32