Create Purchase Part


Use this activity to create a non-inventory purchase part.


System Effects

The check box Purchase Part is selected. This indicates that a purchase part exist.


Project Deliverables Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Project Deliverables Navigator/General
Project Deliverables Navigator/Components
Project Deliverables Navigator/Navigation Items
Project Deliverables Navigator/Materials/Material Requirements


Create an inventory part in Project Deliverables Navigator/General, Components ,Navigation Items  tab or Materials/Material Requirements tab:

  1. Open the Project Deliverables Navigator window and populate it with values.
  2. Open the General, Components,Navigation Items tab or Materials/Material Requirements tab.
  3. Right-click and then click Create Purchase Part. This opens the Create Purchase Part dialog.
  4. Enter a value for Part Description.
  5. Enter a value for UoM or select from List of Values.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Notice how the check box Purchase Part is checked to indicate that a purchase part exist.
  8. Right-click and click Purchase Part.
  9. Review and enter additional information on the purchase part, in Purchase Part window.

A purchase part can be further processed as described here:  Initiate Purchase and Manage Purchase.