Copy Item Structure


Use this activity to create a project deliverables structure by copying it from a item structure.


A project deliverable item should exist.

System Effects

A deliverables structure will be created.


Project Deliverable Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Project Deliverables Navigator/General
Project Deliverables Navigator/Components
Project Deliverables Navigator/Navigation Items



Copy item structure in Project Deliverables Navigator/General tab, Project Deliverables Navigator/Components or Project Deliverables Navigator/Navigation Items  tab:

  1. Open the Project Deliverables Navigator window and populate it with values.
  2. Open the General tab or Components or Navigation Items tab.
  3. Right-click and then click Copy Item Structure. This opens the Copy from Item Structure dialog.
  4. Enter or select Project Deliverables ID from List of Values.
  5. Enter or select Item No from List of Values. (Top most Item information relevant to the selected Project Deliverables ID, is displayed by default.)
  6. Select Copy Part Info and/or Copy Attributes Values check boxes, if necessary.
  7. Click OK.