Acknowledge Revenue Recognition


This activity is used to acknowledge the revenue recognition result before creating revenue recognition vouchers.


In order to perform this activity, periodical capitalization and revenue recognition status of the select project/(s) should be Calculated or Modified.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, periodical capitalization and revenue recognition status of the selected project/(s) will be Acknowledged and it will be possible to create revenue recognition vouchers for such projects.


Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition Project

Related Window Descriptions

Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition Project


To acknowledge revenue recognition of a project:

  1. Open the Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition window.
  2. Select the procedure, right-click and then click Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition Project to open Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition Project window.
  3. Select the project/(s) that you want to acknowledge, right-click and then click Acknowledge.