Project Forecast Info/Revenue

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Use this tab to primarily create project budget/forecast lines complete with forecast amounts. Once these lines have been created you can then spread the revenue, reset the revenue or change the status of these lines using this tab.

You can also use this window to navigate to interrelated windows when you right click on this window and select the desired window name. The following activities are generally performed via the right mouse button options:

In this window there is also possibilities for querying, filtering and displaying data in different ways:

If no snapshot matching has been found a line with a warning triangle in front of it is added to the forecast, displaying the values that are not forecasted. If you wish to enter an ETC value on these lines a new forecast line with appropriate sub project/activity/cost elements/code part values (depending on the required level of matching) from the snapshot line needs to be entered. When this is done the application will match the snapshot line with the new forecasted line and the ETC value can be edited.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Develop Project Forecast
Create and Develop Project Budget


Create Project Budget/Forecast Lines
Spread Forecast Amount
Analyze Project Budget/Forecast