Forecast Connection

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Use this dialog box to connect/disconnect resource forecasts and/or contract change order forecasts to a project budget or forecast. If a change has been done in a resource or contract change order forecast after it has been connected to a project budget or forecast you are able to update the project budget or forecasts with this new changed amount.

The Resource Forecast tab and Contract Change Orders tab are two separate tabs in this dialogue for connecting resource forecast and contract change orders forecasts. The connected forecasts can be viewed in these tabs as well.

Resource forecasts can be connected using the List of Values in the Resource Forecast Version ID field in the Resource Forecast tab. Contract change order forecasts can be connected using the List of Values in the Change Order No field in the Contract Change Orders tab.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Develop Project Forecast
Create and Develop Project Budget


Connect/Disconnect Resource Forecast
Connect/Disconnect Contract Change Orders