Project Navigator

[About Projects] [About Subprojects] [About Activities] [About Cost, Hours, Revenue Reported on Activity] [About Earned Value and Progress] [To Project Planning] [To Project Execution] [To Project Conclusion]


Use this window to view information related to the entire project structure. The project must have been selected or queried first before the graphical display and tab container are shown.

The structure for the selected project is presented graphically in a box in the left-hand part of the window, where it remains until either a new project is chosen or the Project combo box is cleared. It is possible to navigate between all subprojects and activities in the graphical project structure, and to resize the graphical display by dragging on the splitter to left or right.

To move items in the graphical display, the drag and drop method can be used, or simply cut and paste.

The top node (root) is also called the project node. When moving items, keep in mind that:

The Tab Container on the left-hand part of the Project Navigator window contains the tabs necessary to insert or modify or display data related to the items in the graphical display. As the user selects different type of items in the graphical display, different tabs are shown. The tabs shown are selected based on the following three types of items; Project (root node), Sub Project, Activity.

Selected Item Type Tabs enabled for the selected node type
Project (Root Node) Gantt, Sub Project, Project Access, Resource, Analysis, Summary, History, Planning, Project Documents
Sub Project Gantt, Sub Project, Project Access, Activity List, Activity, Resource, MCPR, Tasks, Analysis, Summary, History, Planning, Project Documents
Activity Gantt, Activity, Resource, MCPR, Tasks, Connections, Analysis, Demand, Supply, History, Planning, Project Documents

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Project, Sub Project, Activity List, Activity, Resource, Role Assignments, TasksConnections, Analysis, Demand, Supply, History, Planning,  Access, Document Transmittals and Documents.

If IFS/Project Reporting is used together with IFS/Project, the following tabs will also be available: Activity Hours, Valid Report Codes, Multi-Company Reporting

If  IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance is used together with IFS/Project, the tab Work Orders will also be available.

Activity Diagrams

Establish Project Plan
Define Project Deliverables and Plan Project Revenue
Plan and Assign Resources
Approve Project
Execute Activity
Release Activity
Analyze Project Performance
Complete Project
Close Project
Restart Project
Forecast and Assign Resources
BDR for Project MRP
BDR for MS Level 1


Change Project Product Info
Reorganize Project Structure
Connect Document To Project
Copy Project Plan
Delete Sub Project Structure
Create Financial Project
Approve Project
Release Activity
Start Project
Restart Project
Complete Project
Cancel Project
Set Baseline
Copy Activity
Delete Activity
Cancel Activity
Replan Activity
Complete Activity
Close Activity
Reopen Activity
Evaluate Cost, Hours, Revenue and Progress from Connected Objects
Print Project Pick List
Enter Pre-Postings, Project Demand
Enter Role Assignments
Create Resource Forecast Versions
Perform Project MRP for Part
Define Planned Netting Group