Reject Purchase Requisition Authorization Step


This activity is used to reject a selected authorization step of a purchase requisition. The rejection follows similar rules to authorizing a step e.g. you can only reject an authorization step that you are able to authorize and you can only reject the next step if the previous has been authorized. Information about the rejection is stored on the purchase requisition line and remains there until you release the purchase requisition line again e.g. after the necessary changes have been done. You can follow up the rejected purchase requisition lines by monitoring rejected purchase requisition lines in the Overview – Purchase Requisition Lines window.


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions

Reject Authorization Step


  1. Open the Purchase Requisition/Authorization tab or the Overview – Purchase Requisition Line Authorization window and select the authorization step you wish to reject.
  2. Select the Reject Authorization option from the right mouse button menu option to open the Reject Authorization Step dialog box.
  3. Enter or select the reject reason in the Reject Reason ID field. You can use the List of Values to select an appropriate value.
  4. If the reject reason description is insufficient,  you can enter an additional note in the Reject Note field to explain it more.
  5. Click OK.