Scrap Parts at Supplier / Undo - Scrap Parts at Supplier


Use this activity if a part cannot be serviced by the external supplier, and you need to register the part as scrapped at the supplier's site. You can also reverse the process and undo the scrap registration of the part.


For scrapping parts at the supplier:

For reversing the scrapping at the supplier:

System Effects

For scrapping parts at the supplier:

Posting Type Posting Type Description Debit/Credit Quantity On Hand
M15 WIP at Supplier Credit No effect
M142 Scrapping at Supplier Debit No effect

For reversing the scrapping at the supplier:


Purchase Order

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order, Purchase Order/Part Order Lines, Scrap Parts at Supplier, Undo - Scrap Parts at Supplier


To scrap parts at the supplier:

  1. Query for the appropriate order and select the part order line for which you want to scrap parts.
  2. Right-click, point to Options for External Service Order, and then click Scrap Parts at Supplier. The Scrap Parts at Supplier window will open.
  3. Enter the quantity scrapped, the scrapping cause and, if applicable, a note for the transaction. Note: You can either enter the scrapping cause by entering the short code for the appropriate reason or by selecting it from the List of Values.
  4. Click OK to save the record and return to the order window.

To reverse the scrapping registration of the pats at the supplier

  1. Query for the appropriate order and select the part order line on which you want to undo the scrapping.
  2. Right-click, point to Options for External Service Order, and then click Undo - Scrap Parts at Supplier. The Undo - Scrap Parts at Supplier window will open.
  3. Enter the quantity for which you want to reverse scrapping in the Qty to Correct field (on the appropriate scrap line).
  4. Save your entries after completing the procedure.