Enter Supplier for Purchase Part Info


This activity is used to establish a cross-reference for a supplier and a purchase part. When you have entered your purchase part, you need to connect the purchase part to one or more suppliers before using it. For example, you do this to place a purchase order or to enter a schedule agreement part.

With regard to the supplier scheduling function, it is required to establish such a relationship. This is also valid for purchase order entries, but the relationship might be established during the purchase order entry. At least one supplier should exist for each purchase part. This function gives you the opportunity to record multiple sources of supply for a purchase part.

You can decide whether you allow the parts to be purchased or rented-in from specific suppliers by setting the Acquisition Type appropriately. However in order to use a specific acquisition type in the supplier for purchase part level, it has to have been enabled in the purchase part level. 

The Use Price Incl Tax check box is used to define the basis of tax calculation. You can define the tax calculation basis for the purchase parts supplied by different suppliers, so that the price or the price including tax can be defined based on the tax calculation basis. The default value is fetched from the site that is connected to the part, however, it is possible to change the value of this check box if necessary.

If the Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected, then only the Price Incl Tax/Curr and the Additional Cost Gross/Curr fields are editable and the Price/Curr and the Additional Cost Net/Curr fields are not editable. The price and additional cost net/curr is calculated based on the value entered for the price including tax, the additional cost gross/curr and the tax code.

The Send Order Price check box should be selected if you want to include the price from the purchase order in the EDI/MHS message to the supplier (which, in a multi site environment, will also update the price on the supplying customer order).

The Transfer Configuration Characteristics check box is a really important check box if you are handling configured parts (CTO). You have to select this check box to include the configurations in the message from the receiving to the supplying site.

The Min Order Qty field is used to define a minimum quantity that can be ordered from the supplier. A warning message appears at the registration of the purchase order line or a purchase requisition line if the order line quantity is less than this. The default value is zero.

The delivery pattern and the standard pack size are particularly used in supplier scheduling. The delivery pattern nominates precise delivery days and times during a week for the combination of a supplier and a purchase part. The standard pack size ensures that the ordered quantities on the schedule are in multiples of this, despite any delivery pattern distribution.

To enter prices for external services, you must select the External Services Allowed check box.

The Multi-Site Planning Part check box is used by the multi-site planning systems: Material Requirements Planning, Master Scheduling, Capability Check, Reorder Point Calculations, and Next Level Demand Calculations. The demand site must be an internal customer, the supplier for the purchased inventory part must be an internal supplier, and the same inventory part must have been defined on the supplying site before this option can be selected. When this option is selected, the multi-site planning systems will generate distribution orders instead of purchase requisitions for the suppliers.

The supplier for purchase part information is divided into eight key areas: general information, inspection information, price list, manufacturers, consignments, charges, external service prices, and condition code pricing. This activity description covers a general supplier for purchase part connection. For information about the other key areas or specific functions, view the corresponding activity descriptions. You can reach them from the window description for the Supplier for Purchase Part window.


  • The correct site must have been entered. Do this in the Site window.
  • The site must have been connected to your user account in the Sites per User  window.
  • The purchase part must have been entered in the purchase part record for the desired site.
  • The supplier must have been entered in the Supplier window.
  • The Acquisition Type should be set appropriately depending on the requirement of purchase or rent-in parts. However in order to use these options in the supplier for purchase part level, you should always have used a similar or a higher level acquisition type in the purchase part level. e.g., if the acquisition type of the purchase part is Purchase and Rental, then you can set the acquisition type of the supplier for purchase part level as Purchase Only, but not vise versa.
  • For the purchase part to inherit the supplier warranty data, the warranty data must first exist for the inventory part.
  • If you want to specify a supplier contact, the person must have been entered for the default document address on the Comm. Method (Communication Method) tab or on the Address/General Address Info sub-tab in the Supplier window.
  • If you want to plan this part across the internal supply chain using the multi-site planning system, then the demand site must be an internal customer, the supplier must be an internal supplier and the same inventory part must have been defined on the supplying site.
  • If you want to enter a tax code, the purchase part must be taxable.

System Effects

  • The purchase part will be connected to a supplier, and you can place an order for the part to the specified supplier. When the purchase part is connected to a supplier, it inherits the default supplier warranty types defined for the inventory part. If a supplier contact is entered, this person will be used by default on purchase requisitions for purchase parts obtained from this supplier.
  • If the supplier tax liability type is Taxable and the part is taxable, the tax code will be retrieved from the supplier. If tax has not been specified for the supplier, the tax code will be retrieved from the company. Based on the values in the amounts exclusive of tax fields, amounts inclusive of tax are automatically calculated and displayed in the respective fields. Note: Only the tax codes of tax type Tax maybe specified.
  • If the supplier tax liability type is Exempt, the tax free tax code defined on the supplier or company will be retrieved. Note: You can define a tax free tax code for the tax type Calculated Tax (for intra EC supplier) or No Tax (for real imports from outside the EC). If part is non taxable you cannot enter tax code on the supplier for purchase part record.
  • When collecting Intrastat, the country of origin will be fetched from the supplier for purchase part connection when the intrastat direction is Import. If there is no value in this field, information will be fetched from the relevant inventory part.


Supplier for Purchase Part
Purchase Part
Purchase Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier for Purchase Part 
Supplier for Purchase Part/General
Purchase Part
Purchase Parts


Follow this procedure when you start in the Supplier for Purchase Part window:

  1. Create a new record in the Supplier for Purchase Part window.
  2. Enter the number of the purchase part in the Part No field or use the List of Values.
  3. Enter the supplier in the Supplier field or use the List of Values.
  4. Check that the correct site is displayed in the Site field. Otherwise, change the site manually or use the List of Values.
  5. Click the General tab.
  6. Enter the price for the purchase part in the Price field.
  7. Save your entry.

Follow this procedure when you start in the Purchase Part window or the Purchase Parts window:

  1. In the Purchase Part window or in the Purchase Parts window, query or populate to find the desired purchase part.
  2. Right-click and then click Supplier for Part. The Supplier for Purchase Part window opens.
  3. Enter the supplier in the Supplier field or use the List of Values.
  4. Click the General tab.
  5. Enter the price in the Price field and enter the rental price in the Rental Price field .
  6. Save your entry.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):

  • Enter or change the value in the other fields and check boxes on the General tab based on what you have agreed upon with the supplier.
  • Enter a supplier assortment in the corresponding field if the part is included in a supplier assortment from the supplier. The assortment can be entered manually or selected from the List of Values.
  • Enter a supplier contact in the corresponding field by using the List of Values.
  • To use supplier scheduling, enter a delivery pattern and a standard pack size.
  • To use multi-site planning, select the Multi-Site Planning Part check box.
  • If the country of origin should differ from the value entered on the inventory part, update the value either by entering the short code or by using the List of Values.