Convert Supplier to Customer


Use this activity to assign a customer ID to an existing supplier.


A record for the supplier must exist.

System Effects


Supplier for Purchase Part

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier for Purchase Part
Supplier for Purchase Part/General
Create Customer


To convert a supplier to a customer from the Supplier window, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Supplier window and populate it.
  2. In the Identity list, select the applicable supplier ID.
  3. Click the Purchase tab.
  4. Right-click on the General tab and then click Create Customer. The Create Customer dialog box appears.
  5. The information in the Supplier area is automatically retrieved from the supplier record. The customer ID and name shown below in the Customer area are, by default, identical to supplier ID and name, respectively. You have the option of changing the customer ID and name.
  6. In the Cust Stat Grp field, enter a customer statistical group designation or select one from the List of Values.
  7. In the Order Type field, enter an order type or select one from the List of Values to be used as the default order type for manually created and automatically generated customer orders. If you want to use the charge/no-charge function, entering a value is required. Note: For external repair orders, the order type that was specified in conjunction with defining external service types will automatically be used and override any order type entered here if this type differs.
  8. Click OK to apply the data and close the dialog box.
  9. The ID of the customer is now visible in the Customer No field on the Purchase/General tab of the Supplier window.

To convert a supplier to a customer from the Supplier for Purchase Part window, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window and populate it.
  2. In the Part No list, select the applicable part number.
  3. The supplier's ID appears automatically in the Supplier field.
  4. On the General tab, select the External Services Allowed check box. If no customer ID is connected to the supplier, a message appears informing you of this fact and asking you whether you would like to connect a customer ID. Click Yes.
  5. The Create Customer dialog box appears.
  6. The information in the Supplier area is automatically retrieved from the supplier record. The customer ID and name shown below in the Customer area are, by default, identical to supplier ID and name, respectively. You have the option of changing the customer ID and name.
  7. In the Cust Stat Grp field, enter a customer statistical group designation or select one from the List of Values.
  8. In the Order Type field, enter an order type or select one from the List of Values to be used as the default order type for manually created and automatically generated customer orders. If you want to use the charge/no-charge function, entering a value is required. Note: For external repair orders, the order type that was specified in conjunction with defining external service types will automatically be used and override any order type entered here if this type differs.
  9. Click OK to apply the data and close the dialog box.
  10. The ID of the customer is now visible in the Customer No field on the Purchase/General tab of the Supplier window.
  11. Note: As an alternative to step 4, you can right-click on the General tab and then click Create Customer. Perform steps 4 through 9 as described above, and then select the External Services Allowed check box.