Enter Rental Part Line, Requisition


A purchase requisition is comprised of a requisition header and one or more requisition lines. Once the header has the Planned status, you can create purchase requisition rental lines.

When you enter a purchase requisition for a new supplier without a supplier record, it is possible to perform a quick registration of the new supplier using an existing supplier as a template. When you do so, supplier information that is not company-specific is automatically copied from the template supplier to the new supplier, while additional information is entered in the Quick Supplier Registration dialog box.

Price and tax calculations are controlled by the Use Price Incl Tax check box. The default value of the check box is retrieved from the supplier for purchase part record. If the part does not have a supplier for purchase part record, the default value is retrieved from the site specified in the header. The value can be changed before saving, if necessary.

You can specify the plan rental information at the time you create rental requisition lines.


System Effects


Purchase Requisition

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Requisition
Purchase Requisition/Rental Part Requisition Lines

Quick Supplier Registration

Create Supplier for Purchase Part

Additional Cost Details


To enter a purchase requisition rental line for a previously entered supplier (or when the supplier is not known):

  1. Open the Purchase Requisition window and query for the applicable requisition number.
  2. Click the Rental Part Requisition Lines tab and create a new record.
  3. In the Part No field, enter the part number or select it from the List of Values.
  4. In the Quantity field, indicate the number of parts to be ordered.
  5. In the Wanted Receipt Date field, indicate the date on which the parts are needed.
  6. In the Planned Rental Start Date field, indicate the date on which the rental is planned to be started.
  7. In the Planned Rental End Date field, indicate the date on which the rental is planned to be finished.
  8. In the Chargeable Days ID, Date Exception ID, Period Rounding fields, indicate the parameters according to which the chargeable days should be calculated.
  9. In the Schedule ID field, indicate the pattern the rental transactions should be generated.
  10. In the Supplier field, the supplier that is defined as the primary supplier rental of this part is automatically indicated. You can change the supplier by using the List of Values if several suppliers are defined for the part. If there are suppliers connected to the part but none of them is set as primary, you can select one from the List of Values. You can also leave the Supplier field blank if you do not know which supplier is to be used.
    If no supplier is connected to the part, a message is displayed. It is not necessary to indicate a supplier if the requisition will be converted to a request for quotation.
  11. Save when completed.

To enter a purchase requisition rental line for a new supplier without a supplier record, using a supplier template:

  1. Open the Purchase Requisition window and query for the applicable requisition number.
  2. Click the Rental Part Requisition Lines tab and create a new record.
  3. In the Part No field, enter the part number or select it from the List of Values.
  4. In the Quantity field, indicate the number of parts to be ordered.
  5. In the Wanted Receipt Date field, indicate the date on which the parts are needed.
  6. In the Planned Rental Start Date field, indicate the date on which the rental is planned to be started
  7. In the Planned Rental End Date field, indicate the date on which the rental is planned to be finished.
  8. In the Chargeable Days ID, Date Exception ID, Period Rounding fields, indicate the parameters according to which the chargeable days should be calculated.
  9. In the Schedule ID field, indicate the pattern the rental transactions should be generated.
  10. Right-click, and then click Quick Supplier Registration. The Quick Supplier Registration dialog box opens.
  11. In the Template Supplier field, enter the ID of the supplier that you want to use as a template. You can either enter the ID manually or click List to choose the ID from a List of Values.
  12. In the New Supplier field, enter the ID for the new supplier.
  13. Enter the name of the new supplier in the New Supplier Name field.
  14. In the Association field, you can enter the association number of the new supplier.
  15. In the Supplier Address fields, enter the complete address for the new supplier.
  16. Click OK to exit the Quick Supplier Registration dialog box.
  17. Save the purchase requisition line when completed. The Create Supplier for Purchase Part? dialog box opens.
  18. In the U/M field, enter the unit of measure that will be used when administering purchase orders for the part from the new supplier. This will serve as both the unit in which the part is purchased, as well as the unit in which the supplier is paid. You can enter the unit of measure manually or by clicking List to choose the ID from a List of Values.
  19. In the Price field, enter the new supplier's price per unit for the part and in the Rental Price field, enter the new supplier's price per unit per day for the part. If the Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected, the Rental Price/Curr field is non editable and the price is calculated based on the price including tax value and the connected tax codes.
  20. Click OK to exit the Create Supplier for Purchase Part? dialog box.

To enter a purchase requisition rental line when multiple suppliers are defined for the purchase part:

  1. Open the Purchase Requisition window and query for the applicable requisition number.
  2. Click the Rental Part Requisition Lines tab and create a new record.
  3. In the Part No field, enter the part number or select it from the List of Values.
  4. In the Supplier field, the supplier that is defined as the primary supplier of this part is automatically indicated.
  5. In the Quantity field, indicate the number of parts to be ordered.
  6. In the Wanted Receipt Date field, indicate the date on which the parts are needed.
  7. In the Planned Rental Start Date field, indicate the date on which the rental is planned to be started
  8. In the Planned Rental End Date field, indicate the date on which the rental is planned to be finished.
  9. In the Chargeable Days ID, Date Exception ID, Period Rounding fields, indicate the parameters according to which the chargeable days should be calculated.
  10. In the Schedule ID field, indicate the pattern the rental transactions should be generated.
  11. Save when completed. A message appears inquiring whether you want to split the requested quantity. Click Yes and a requisition line will be created for each supplier.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):

Note: If you enter additional cost amounts directly on the Additional Cost or Additional Cost Gross/Curr field, you will not be allowed to enter additional cost details using additional cost types via the right-mouse button options.