Manage Tax, Order Quotation Line


Use this function to handle taxes in connection to order quotation line. You can enter tax information directly on the order quotation line or work with multiple taxes. If you select tax structure you can work with mutiple taxes with different tax base amounts. If you work with multiple taxes without selecting tax structure you can add, modify or remove tax lines. Default tax information can also be retrieved.


System Effects


Order Quotation
Order Quotation Approval
Order Quotation Approvals

Related Window Descriptions

Order Quotation
Order Quotation Approval
Order Quotation Tax Lines


Order quotation part lines

  1. Select the order quotation line whose tax information you want to view.
  2. If you want to use single tax code, enter the appropriate tax code in the Tax Code column, either by entering the short code or using the List of Values.
  3. If you want to use tax calculation structure, enter the appropriate tax calculation structure in the Tax Calculation Structure column, either by entering the short code or using the List of Values.
  4. Save the record.
  5. If you want to enter more tax codes or change tax codes, right-click, click Quotation Tax Lines. The Order Quotation Line Tax Lines window opens, displaying any existing tax lines for the order quotation line.
  6. To add a new tax line, click New, and then click List and select a tax code. Note: You can only add a new tax line when tax calculation structure is not used.
  7. To edit a tax line, select a tax line and enter the appropriate tax code in the Tax Code column, either by entering the short code or using the List of Values.
  8. To remove a tax line, select the tax line and then click Remove. Note: You can only remove a tax line when tax calculation structure is not used.
  9. To receive default tax information, click Set Defaultt.
  10. Click Save to save and close the window. The resulting amounts will be transferred to the order quotation line.