Enter External Service Prices


This activity is used to specify the prices for different external service types and time periods.


System Effects


Supplier for Purchase Part

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier for Purchase Part
Supplier for Purchase Part/External Service Prices


  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window and populate it.
  2. In the Part No list, select the applicable purchase part.
  3. Click the External Service Pricing tab.
  4. In the External Service Type field, enter an external service type or select one from the List of Values. The full name automatically appears in the Service Description field when a service type is entered.
  5. In the Valid From field, enter the first date on which the unit price for the respective service type is to be effective. An entry in this field is required.
  6. In the Valid Until field, enter the last date on which the unit price for the respective service type is to be effective. An entry in this field is not required.
  7. In the Price field, enter the service price per unit for the specified interval.
  8. The Currency field automatically displays the currency used for the service price.
  9. Enter a value in the Tax Code field or click the List of Values to select a value.