Start Approval of AFP Application for Payment Applications for Payment Applications for Payment Application for Payment Approval Application for Payment Application for Payment Applications for Payment Applications for Payment Application for Payment Monitor Retentions Due Contract Retentions Due Contract Retentions Set Project Cost as Valuation Value Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application Line Items Application for Payment Applications for Payment Retrieve Cost/Progress from Project Application Line Items Application for Payment Applications for Payment Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application Line Items Release Interim Retention Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application for Payment Refresh Contract Details On AFP Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application for Payment Applications for Payment Release Retention Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application for Payment Enter Item Valuation Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application for Payment Applications for Payment Valuate work performed Application for Payment Applications for Payment Applications for Payment Application for Payment Cancel Application for Payment Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application for Payment Applications for Payment Copy Previous Valuation Application for Payment Application for Payment Cancel Approval of Application for Payment Application for Payment Applications for Payment Applications for Payment Application for Payment Define Application for Payment Cost Details Applications for Payment Application for Payment Application for Payment Applications for Payment Create Application for Payment Applications for Payment Application for Payment Sales Contract Sales Contracts Manage Sales Contract Items Manage Sales Contract Items Sales Contracts Sales Contract Application for Payment Applications for Payment