View Demand Roll Up


This activity is used to view aggregated resource (person groups and tool/equipment groups) or material demands for a maintenance visit.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the aggregated demand for resources and material can be viewed per event, grouping node, ELO (execution logic order), or for the entire maintenance order.


Maintenance Order

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str.
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up/Resources
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up/Materials
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up/Resources
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up/Materials


  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and search for the desired maintenance order.
  2. Click the Maint. Order Str. tab or the Exec. Logic tab depending on the context in which you are working.
  3. Select the relevant node in the graphical object structure, and then click the Demand Roll Up tab.
  4. In the Period Type field, select the time period type by which data is to be aggregated.
  5. Click the Resources tab to view the aggregated demand for resources.
  6. Click the Materials tab to view the aggregated demand for materials.