Release Demands


This activity is used to release the resource and material demands for a maintenance order. You can choose to release demands when setting the maintenance order to the Under Preparation status or while the maintenance order is still in this status. The Set Maintenance Order to Under Preparation activity describes how to release demands as part of the status change. This activity describes how to release demands by using the Release Demands menu option.

When material demands are released, material on the connected task cards and subtasks will be made available to the MRP (material requirements planning). This allows the MRP to initiate order proposals/supplies for the maintenance order material demands at an early stage. Once the material demand is released you have the ability to reserve or peg material against a supply, i.e., inventory stock, purchase order or purchase requisition. The benefit of this feature is to minimize the risk of stock shortage especially for items with long delivery lead times.

When resource demands are released, resource activities will be generated for each resource on the task card or subtask. For instance, if two mechanics are planned on a task card, one activity will be created per mechanic. Resources are planned for the duration of the task card. The planned start date of the resource activity will be set to the planned start of the task card or subtask or if this does not exist at this stage, the planned start of the maintenance order. The planned finish date is calculated based on the planned hours. The activity origin of the resource activities will be set to Maint Order Task Card. Resource activities can be viewed in the Resource Activity window. The following origin keys on the generated activities can be used to identify the maintenance order, event or task card for which the resource is valid:

Once demands are released, any further changes to resources and material while the maintenance order is in the Under Preparation status will automatically release new/changed demands. This can be:


System Effects


Maintenance Order

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order


  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and search for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Right-click and click Release Demands.
  3. Verify that the material demand is released.
  1. Verify that resource activities have been generated for the resource demand.