Register Manual Maintenance Event


This activity is used to register a manual maintenance event for a serial. Once the manual event is created, you can enter information on the work to be done (task cards and subtasks), resources needed to perform the work (person groups and tool/equipment groups), material that will be utilized, and sign off requirements for the task cards/subtasks.

Once you have finished planning the manual event, it can be connected to a maintenance order. The event is processed in the same way as other maintenance event types, e.g., a work task is generated and any reported time and issued material is transferred back to the event when the task is finished.


Prerequisites for planning work on the event:

If the event is to be connected to a maintenance order:

System Effects


Manual Maintenance Event

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Maintenance Event
Manual Maintenance Event/Event Details
Manual Maintenance Event/Task Cards
Manual Maintenance Event/Resources
Manual Maintenance Event/Material Usage
Manual Maintenance Event/Sign Off Req.
Maintenance Order


Use the following procedure to register a manual event:

  1. Open the Manual Maintenance Event window and create a record.
  2. Enter the required part number and serial number. Use the List of Values in the relevant fields to select the serial part.
  3. In the Mx Event Code field, enter an event code for the manual event. Alphanumeric values may be entered.
  4. In the Mx Event Description field, enter a short description of the event.
  5. Ensure the correct date is set in the Mx Event Date field.
  6. Optionally, enter the work type, customer, and event remarks in the relevant fields.
  7. Save the record. Observe an event number is set for the manual event, and this event will be included in the pool of pending maintenance events.

Continue with the following steps to add/modify task cards to the manual event:

  1. Click the Task Cards tab and create a record.
  2. Select a task card source. If you want to manually create a task card, select the Manual source which is also the defaulted value. If you want to copy an existing task card from the task library, select the Task Card source.
  3. For manual task cards, a task card ID and description must be entered. All other information is optional.
  4. If you are copying an existing task card, use the List of Values in the Task Card ID field to select the required task card. If subtasks are connected to the selected task card, these records will be included in the tab when saving the task card.
  5. Save the record.

Continue with the following steps to add/modify resource requirements on the manual event:

  1. Click the Resources tab and create a record.
  2. In the Task Card ID field, use the List of Values to select the task card for which you want to add resources.
  3. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource demand needed, i.e., the group of persons or group of tools/equipment.
  4. In the Resource Group field, enter the ID of the required resource group. The List of Values will display data based on the selected demand type.
  5. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the number of resources that is planned for the work.
  6. Optionally, enter additional information in the Remark field.
  7. Save the record.

Continue with the following steps to add/modify material requirements on the manual event:

  1. Click the Material Usage tab and create a record.
  2. In the Task Card ID field, use the List of Values to select the task card for which you want to add material.
  3. In the Part Number field, enter the required part. 
  4. If the defaulted part revision should be changed, use the List of Values in the Part Revision field to select the required part revision.
  5. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required quantities of the part. The units in which the part quantities are measured is shown in the UoM field.
  6. If the selected part has the condition code functionality enabled, you can enter the required condition of the part in the Condition Code field. Use the List of Values to select a valid condition.
  7. Save the record.

Continue with the following steps to add/modify task card sign off requirements on the manual event:

  1. Click the Sign Off Req. tab and create a record.
  2. In the Task Card ID field, use the List of Values to select the task card for which you want to add sign off requirements.
  3. In the Sign Off Requirement field, enter the type of sign off that is required. An executor sign off must have been specified before inspector or independent sign off can be entered.
  4. If sign off is to be done by personnel with a certain certificate, use the List of Values in the Certificate ID field to select the certificate. If needed, a certificate level can be specified as well.
  5. Optionally, enter information for the inspector or independent sign offs in the Inspection Description field.
  6. Save the record.

Use the following procedure to assign the manual event to a maintenance order:

Note: manual events can also be assigned directly on a maintenance order (Maintenance Order/Assign Events/Pending Events) or as part of an event distribution.

  1. In the Manual Maintenance Event window search for the required event code or event number.
  2. In the Order Number field, use the List of Values to select the maintenance order to which the manual event is to be assigned.
  3. Save the record. Right-click and click Maintenance Order and verify that the manual event is assigned to the order.