This activity is used to define the grouping criteria that will be used to define the Execution Logic Structure (ELS) per product and model. You can choose from 5 predefined grouping elements corresponding to attributes located on a task card or subtask. These predefined grouping elements can be grouped, sequenced and ordered according to your requirements. Following is a list of the predefined grouping elements:
Grouping criteria is defined per product model and grouping ID. The main purpose behind the grouping identifier is to allow flexibility on the number of grouping criteria that can be set up for each product and model. This is useful, for instance, when different kinds of maintenance visits are handled.
Once the grouping criteria is defined, you need to execute the Complete Grouping Criteria menu option. When this is done, basic data for the selected grouping criteria will be retrieved and the ELS template created accordingly. Note: To limit the amount of basic data used to generate the ELS template, only the basic data records that have the Include in Execution Logic Planning check box selected will be considered.
To perform this activity, the grouping ID must exist in the New status.
Define Execution Logic Structure Template
Define Execution Logic Structure
Define Execution Logic Structure
Template/Grouping Criteria