View Material Plan Multi-Site


This activity is used to view a comprehensive display of the supply and demand details of an inventory part. The current balanced material plan depicting the supply and demand details will be shown for the selected part in accordance with the filter criteria for any registered inventory part. This information allows you to take appropriate measures to ensure that adequate quantities of the part are available to meet the demand.


To perform this activity, master scheduling, project master scheduling, material requirement planning, project material requirement planning or some other planning activity must have been performed in order to see the  balanced material plan depicting the supply and demand details.

System Effects



Material Plan - Multi Site

Related Window Descriptions

Material Plan - Multi Site
Material Plan - Muti Site/Material Planning


  1. Open the Material Plan Multi-Site window.
  2. Search for the part for which you want to study the material situation across sites. Use the List of Values to select a suitable part and a filter if required.
  3. Click Refresh. The Material Planning tab will be populated with current supply and demand data for the part across all user allowed sites. This will give a comprehensive view of the supply and demand situation across all user allowed sites. The Part Info Per Site tab will display the site level situation or site and project level stock situation of the inventory part.
  4. Select a row on the Material Planning tab, right-click and click Supply and Demand Details to open the corresponding supply and demand and perform planning actions to replan if necessary.
  5. Use the filters on the header level to filter the information in the Material Planning and Part Info Per Site tabs. For example, if you want to view information related to a particular project, first select the company, program and project and then click Refresh. Click Clear to clear the filter criteria if required.