DOP Alarms

A DOP alarm is generated whenever a DOP Header, DOP order or a supplying order will not be able to be delivered at the right time, or with the right quantity. A DOP alarm is also generated if a configuration is used to create the DOP structure and if it does not match the configuration of a customer order line to which the DOP header is pegged to.

DOP alarms can be viewed either on the DOP order itself, or as component alarms on the parent order, if there is any. The component alarms concern the fact that the necessary components for the DOP order are not available on time, and/or in the right quantity. If an alarm exists, it is displayed in the Alarm Exists check box in the DOP header, and/or the DOP order window(s). In addition, the alarms are displayed in the Alarms tabs in the DOP Header, DOP Order and the DOP Order Alarms windows.

The alarms are created in the Not Acknowledged status. When the alarm has been noticed, the status can be changed to Acknowledged using the right mouse button menu.

There are different types and sources of DOP alarms. Table below explains each combination, and possible ways to solve the alarm:

Alarm Type Source Explanation Solution
Time DOP Header The DOP header Due Date is early or late relative to the Due Date of a customer order line to which it is pegged.

When a DOP header is connected to multiple customer order lines, the alarm is generated for the customer order line with the earliest planned shipping date. When a customer order line is connected to multiple DOP headers, an alarm is generated for each date mismatch that exists between the customer order line and a DOP header.

Use the Update DOP Header Due Date function available from the DOP alarm to align the date of the DOP header and top DOP order with the customer order line, or use the Update Customer Order Line Due Date to align the customer order lines date with the DOP header.
Time DOP Order The Due Date for a top DOP order is early, or late relative to the Due Date of the DOP Header. Use the Update Top Level Date function available from the DOP header align the top DOP order date with the DOP header, or use the Propagate Date Downstream from the top DOP order to align the date of the DOP Header with the top DOP order.
Time Parent DOP Order The Due Date for a DOP order is early, or late relative to the Start Date of its parent DOP Order. Use the Propagate Date Upstream function available from the DOP order to align the dates of the sub level DOP orders, or use the Propagate Date Downstream to align the dates of parent level DOP orders.
Time Purchase Requisition The Wanted Receipt Date for a pegged purchase requisition is early, or late relative to the Start Date of the DOP order to which it is pegged. Use the Adjust Date function available from the alarm to align the date of the purchase requisition with the DOP Order, or use the Adjust Date from Supply function to align the date of the DOP order with the purchase requisition.
Time Purchase Order The Planned Receipt Date for a pegged purchase order is early, or late relative to the Start Date of the DOP order to which it is pegged. Use the Adjust Date function available from the alarm to align the date of the purchase order with the DOP Order, or use the Adjust Date from Supply function to align the date of the DOP order with the purchase order.
Time Shop Order The Finish Date for a pegged shop order is early, or late relative to the Start Date of the DOP order to which it is pegged. Use the Adjust Date function available from the alarm to align the date of the shop order with the DOP Order, or use the Adjust Date from Supply function to align the date of the DOP order with the shop order.
Quantity Customer Order Demand The sum of Qty Pegged pegged to a customer order line for the DOP header is lower or higher than the Inventory Qty on the customer order line.

If multiple DOP headers are connected to the customer order line, DOP header with the lowest status gets the alarm.

Use the Update DOP Header Qty Demand function available from the DOP alarm to adjust the quantity of the DOP header and top DOP order with the customer order line, or use the Update Customer Order Line Qty to align the customer order line quantity with the DOP header.
Quantity Customer Order Supply The Qty Demand for a DOP header is lower or higher than the sum of Qty Pegged to customer order lines for the DOP Header. Use the Update DOP Header Qty Demand function available from the DOP alarm to adjust the quantity of the DOP header and top DOP order to align with the customer order line.
Quantity DOP Header The Order Qty for the top DOP order is lower or higher than the Demand Qty of the DOP header Use the Update Top Level Quantity function available from the DOP header align the top DOP order quantity with the DOP header, or manually update the Demand Qty of the DOP header to align with the Order Qty of the top DOP order.
Quantity Parent DOP Order The Order Qty for a DOP order is lower or higher than the demand quantity of its parent DOP Order expects to receive from this DOP Order.

For a parent DOP order without supply order, demand quantity is calculated based on the parent order quantity to multiplied with quantity per assembly plus planned scrap.

For a parent DOP order with supply order(s), demand quantity is primarily fetched from the quantity required for the material line of the pegged shop order(s). If a shop order supplies several parent DOP orders, the total quantity required of the shop order material line is split between the parent DOP orders based on the quantity pegged to each DOP order. Secondarily, the demand for any remaining un-supplied quantity for the parent DOP order is calculated as the un-supplied quantity multiplied with the quantity per assembly plus planned scrap.

Use the Propagate Quantity Upstream function available from the DOP order to align the quantity of the sub level DOP orders, or use the Propagate Quantity Downstream function to align the quantity of parent level DOP orders.

When the quantity required on the shop order material line has increased or decreased as a result of scrap or operation quantity deviation it may be required to manually adjust the quantity of the supplying DOP order according to the excess/demand quantity stated on the DOP alarm.

Quantity DOP Order The sum of the remaining quantity expected to be delivered from the supply orders pegged to the DOP order is lower than or higher than the remaining, not already completed order quantity of the DOP order. This may occur when:
  • A return is recorded for a purchase order connected to a DOP order.
  • Scrap is recorded for a purchase order connected to a DOP order.
  • A substitute part is received for a shop order connected to a DOP order.
  • Scrap is reported for a shop order connected to a DOP order.
  • A shop order operation is reported with an operation quantity deviation.
  • There is a quantity mismatch between a DOP order and its pegged quantity.
  • A supply order is unpegged from a DOP order.

When a purchase order or shop order is connected to more than one DOP order, the alarm is generated for the DOP order with the latest due date.  If the DOP orders have the same due date, then the alarm is generated for the DOP order with the highest DOP ID.

The quantity alarms are automatically removed when a reversal action for scrap, returns, or substitute receipts is done for the supply order

Use the Adjust Quantity function available from the alarm to increase, or decrease the order quantity of a supply order according to the shortage or excess quantity stated on the alarm.

You can also use the Manual Pegging window to manually increase/decrease the supply order peggings to align with the DOP demand.

If a shortage exists, but there is no supply orders that can be adjusted, use the Create Pegged Order function available from the DOP order to create a new supply order for the shortage quantity.

Structure Revision DOP Order Due date for a DOP order is not within the effective date range of its structure. This can occur if due date for a DOP is updated. Use the Change Revision and/or Alternate function available from the DOP order.
Routing Revision DOP Order Due date for a DOP order is not within the effective date range of its routing. A change to the due date for a DOP order might cause this alarm to be generated. Use the Change Routing Revision and/or Alternative function available from the DOP order.
Configuration Customer Order Demand A mismatch has occurred between the configuration defined for a customer order line and the configuration of the supplying DOP header. This can occur if the planned delivery date of the customer order line was changed in a way that the configuration must be reconfigured on the base of another part configuration revision than the original. If such reconfiguration is required, a mismatch occurs between the configuration defined for the customer order line and the DOP header configuration. Therefore, it is not possible to supply the customer order line with what is actually requested and the supply will deviate. Use the Update Supply Configuration function available from the DOP alarm. This will re-create the DOP structure according to the new configuration.

If any started supply order is affected by the configuration change, it may not be allowed to update supply configuration. Instead you will have to use the Unpeg Customer Order Line function available from the DOP alarm, then create a new DOP structure with the correct configuration and manually peg it to the customer order line.

Note that it is not possible to acknowledge a Configuration alarm, it must be solved before processing the DOP header and connected DOP orders.

Note: The quantity and configuration alarms are generated with alarm source related to the demand. Time, structure- and/or routing revision alarms are generated with alarm source related to the supply.

The demand and supply relationships within a DOP structure are:

Demand Supply
CO Line DOP Header
DOP Header DOP Order
DOP Order Pegged Supply Order (Shop Order, Purchase Requisition/ Order); Inventory Reservation;

DOP lead-time uses a Manufacturing calendar, where as Purchasing module uses the Distribution calendar. In a situation where both these calendars differ, incorrect alarms could be created.

Alarms are automatically generated when date, quantity, configuration mismatches exist between demand orders and supply orders with a DOP structure, or if no valid structure- and/or routing revision exists for a part to be processed on an order in the DOP structure.