Define GPS Logging


This activity is used to define GPS loggings and how the locations will be handled in the mobile device..


Mobile user must be defined in the system

mWorkOrder application has GPS Allowed and GPS Enabled set as true

Mobile User has App GPS Enabled set as true for active device

Application Parameter GPS_LOCATION_INTERVAL_MIN is set (ex: 10 mins)

Location services are allowed for application in mobile os.

For iOS only: Application Parameter ENABLE_BACKGROUND_TRACKING is set to true

System Effects



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Login to the mWO app on mobile device.
  2. Keep the app running on the foreground for few minutes (more than the GPS location interval set up) and if possible change the device position to different locations within that time.
  3. Verify that the Device Locations has been updated correctly backoffice.
  4. Select Work Task and update its status
  5. Verify in backoffice that the Device Location is updated correctly.