Employee/Employment/Employment Reduction

[Employee Administration]


Use this window to enter temporary reductions in work time during an employee's employment period. The window will display information from your global company by default. You can use the Multi-Company Analysis right-click option to view information from all the companies to which you have access.

If IFS/Schedules and Rules is installed you can chose to have an automated link from the Schedule Employee process that will update the reduction period information. The link is established by connecting the relevant absence wage codes to reduction types. When entering or modifying a deviation cycle for an employee that contains one of the connected absence wage codes, a dialog window will pop up. The dialog will allow you to modify and confirm the suggested reduction period information before it is saved to the database. For further details, please, refer to the Employee Scheduling window included in IFS/Schedules and Rules.

Activity Diagrams

Modify Employment Related Data