Export File Snapshot


Use this activity to export updated snapshot information into a file after you update the snapshot information. During the export process, you will select a template to control the file layout.

The window you use to export the file snapshot automatically displays after you have successfully performed an update of the file snapshot consolidation.


Consolidation snapshot information must be successfully updated via a snapshot file before performing this activity.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, updated snapshot information will be saved as a file.


Update Consolidation Snapshot

Related Window Descriptions

Update Consolidation Snapshot
Export File Snapshot Data


  1. When the Export File Snapshot Data window displays after the snapshot has been updated in the Update Consolidation Snapshot window, specify the template ID to apply to the file you will be creating through the export process. You can use the List of Values to select the template ID. The description for the selected template ID will automatically display in the Description field.
  2. In the File Path field, enter the location and the name to use for the exported consolidation file and confirm.