Unused Cash Discounts in Supplier Payments


Use this dialog box to order a report that shows unused cash discounts in the supplier payments of a specified date interval. The date interval can be based on payment dates or on payment voucher dates.

You can choose selection criteria to limit the report to e.g. single suppliers, supplier groups and countries. The default AP selection template will be suggested.

You  can also select a sorting criterion for the report. You can sort by currency (default), country, supplier ID, or supplier group. The sorting criterion is automatically the grouping criterion for which subtotals will be calculated. If your company uses Parallel Currency functionality you can specify whether accounting or parallel currency should be the reporting currency. Accounting currency is selected by default.

Note: This report can also be ordered from the Reporting/Operational Reporting/Order Report window.

Activity Diagrams

Reports Supplier Payments


Order - Unused Cash Disocunts in Supplier Payments