Part/ Part Manufacturer
Template Structure Navigator/Manufacturers

[About Part Manufacturers] [To Part Management] [To Handle Inventory]


Use this tab to identify all manufacturers of the part. You can identify more than one manufacturer for each part.

In the tab's upper table, enter information about the manufacturers of this part. One of the manufacturers you enter must be set as the preferred manufacturer. By default the system sets the first manufacturer entered as the preferred manufacturer.

In the tab's lower table, enter all the manufacturer's part numbers that correspond to the part. When you create a new record for a manufacturer's part number, the default value for the Approved field is Yes. The system automatically maintains the Approved User and Approved Date fields. History records are automatically created when you approve, disapprove, or delete records. You also can view a history of the part in the Manufacturer Part Numbers History window by selecting the part number record, right-clicking, and then clicking Manufacturer Part Number History. One of the manufacturer part numbers can be selected as the preferred manufacturer part number.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Maintain Master Part


Enter Part Manufacturers
Enter Manufacturer Part Numbers
Approve/Disapprove Manufacturer Part