Cancel Related Work on PM Plan


Use this activity to cancel the work tasks or work task steps related to the PM action from the work order generated for a Maintenance Plan line. This will remove the work order reference from the plan line and make it available for regeneration.

If the work order has been generated for a single PM action or by grouping several PM actions;

If the work order has been generated by merging several PM actions;


System Effects


PM Action

Related Window Descriptions

PM Action 
PM Action/Maintenance Plan


  1. Open the PM Action window and query for an existing record (F3).
  2. Click on the Maintenance Plan tab and select the plan line for which a work order has been generated.
  3. Right-click on the plan line and click Cancel Related Work.
  4. Select the Cancellation Cause from the list of values in the Cancellation dialog, add a comment and click OK.