Risk Assessment

[Risk Assessment]


Use this window to register risk assessment information. You can enter the general details relevant to the risk assessment in the window header.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Hazards, Risk Assessment Schedules, Permit to Work, Connected To

There is also a navigator of hazards which will be updated when hazards are linked to the risk assessment record in the Risk Assessment/Hazards tab.

When you select an option in the Hazard navigator, the following tabs will be enabled: Potential Harm, Risk Control Measures.  

Activity Diagrams

Risk Assessment Planning
Risk Assessment Execution


Register General Risk Assessment Details
Connect or Modify Potential Hazards
Calculate Risk Potential for Hazards
Calculate Risk Potential for Risk Assessment
Schedule Risk Assessment
Assign Permit to Work
Connect Potentially Harmed Personnel Groups
Recommend Actions for Personnel Groups
Connect or Modify Control Measures
Recommend Actions for Control Measures
Disconnect Scheduled Risk Assessment
Register Risk Assessment
Register / Modify General Risk Assessment Details
Overview Risk Assessments