


Use this window to report occupational incidents causing harm or risk to personnel and/or property. You can register the incident by entering the basic information in the header of the window.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Personnel Injuries and Illness, Damages, Related Incident Cases, Investigation, Cause Analysis, Recommendation, Safety Department, Distribution List, Connected To.

Activity Diagrams

Incident Reporting
Incident Investigation
Incident Analysis
Incident Closing Procedures
Manage Incident Notifications


Register Incident
Confirm Incident
Acknowledge Incident Details
Reject Incident Details
Register Personnel Injury Details
Register Damages from Incident
Connect Related Incident
Connect to Object
Register Investigation Details
Register Participants
Register Agencies Involved
Analyze Incident Cause
Calculate Risk Potential
Recommend Actions
Evaluate Closing Procedures
Close Incident Report

Release Email Notifications
Manually Complete Incident Notification
Reset Incident Notification