Complete Headcount Plan


Use this activity to mark the headcount plan as completed. Once completed, it is impossible to make changes to the plan. This status is used to notify other users that a particular version of a plan is ready (and possibly awaits approval).


In order to perform this activity, a headcount plan has to be registered in the system.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, headcount plan will change its status to Completed.


Headcount Plan

Related Window Descriptions

Headcount Plan


  1. Open the Headcount Plan window.
  2. Search or populate to find the headcount plan which you want to complete.
  3. If you want to complete the entire plan at once, right-click the header and click Complete (with Subordinates). This ends the activity. If you want to gradually complete the plan, go to step 4.
  4. You can complete the plan gradually by marking organization units or branches as completed one by one. To do so, select an organization unit and navigate to its Headcount Plan tab.
  5. When you are ready to complete the entire plan, right-click the header and click Complete.
    Note: To complete the entire plan, all organization units have to be marked as completed.