Send Customer Agreement/Send Order Confirmation/Send Direct Delivery Message/Send Dispatch Advice Message

[About Shipment]

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Use the Send Customer Agreement dialog box to send a customer agreement using the EDI or MHS media codes.

Use the Send Order Confirmation dialog box to send a customer order confirmation using the EDI or MHS media codes.

Use the Send Direct Delivery Message dialog box to send a direct delivery message using the EDI or MHS media codes.

Use the Send Dispatch Advice Message dialog box to send a dispatch advice using the EDI or MHS media codes.

Although the default media code is displayed, you can change this using the list of values.

Activity Diagrams

Enter customer agreements
Maintain customer agreements
Release customer order
Confirm customer order
Handle customer order additional activities
Deliver customer order, single order delivery
Deliver customer order, single order delivery, pre-shipment delivery note
Deliver shipment


Send order confirmation
Send dispatch advice
Send customer agreement