Operational Plan/Manual Plans

[About Scheduling with Maintenance Planning Board] [About Operational Plans]

[To Work Order Execution] [To PM Planning]


Use this tab to enter and view information about manual plan lines. The manual plans-tab holds information regarding what operational event that is ongoing at a certain time. New manual plan lines are entered in this tab and it is mandatory to enter a manual plan line number, description, planned start date, as well as a planned finish date of the line for these new lines. When entering a new line, or modifying an existing, it is possible to specify an operational mode on the line as well as specifying if the manual plan line is considered as a maintenance window. If IFS/Maintenance Planning Board is used, a line marked as a maintenance window means that this operational event will not take place, hence there is a window to perform maintenance on the object structure connected to the operational plan.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Operational Plans


Define Manual Plans
Define Manual Plans
Define Referenced Plans
Connect Valid Sites
Activate Operational Plan