Fix Operational Log Counter


This activity is used to correct the counters of operational parameters if, for some reason, they differ from one parameter to another. The log counters are used internally in the application to log operations to keep track of when all not calculated operational parameters are given. Then the calculation of calculated operational parameters can start. If one or more operational parameters have different values, the calculation will not start and a correction has to be made. 

The operational log history should be examined in advance to uncover the cause of different log counts for the operational parameters. If one or more operational parameters get different values, an error message appears, and it is not possible to perform operational logging for the serial until the log counters are corrected. 

Problems with the log counter are typically related to a database failure or an erroneous or incomplete import from another system. Fixing the counter does not fix the cause or the result of the erroneous data. You need to verify that all required information has been registered on the serial. You can get an overview of all operational loggings in the Serial Operational Log History List window.


A serial with operational parameters and loggings must exist with a log counter that is incorrect.

System Effects

The log counter is set to a number higher than the highest recorded counter for all operational parameters for that serial.


Serial Operational Information

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Operational Information/Operational Log
Serial Operational Log History List


  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for the serial for which you will correct the log counter.
  2. Click the Operational Log tab.
  3. Right-click and click Fix Log Counter. This aligns the counters.