Disable Fault Deferral


This activity is used to disable a fault deferral that was, for instance, incorrectly added. When disabled, the deferral is removed from the system. Note that it is not possible to disable a fault deferral once it has been approved.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the fault deferral is disabled and removed from the system.


Serial Operational Information
Flight Log

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Operational Information/Fault/Additional
Flight Log
Flight Log/Fault
Deferral Definition
Operations and Fault Basic Data/User Auth. Deferrals


  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. Click the Fault tab and select the fault number of the fault for which the fault deferral is to be disabled.
  3. Click the Additional tab.
  4. Right-click and click Remove Fault Deferral. A message requiring confirmation of the action is displayed.
  5. Click Yes to remove the fault deferral for the fault.

Follow this procedure to remove a fault deferral that was reported on a flight log:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for your flight log number and/or serial.
  2. Click the Fault tab and select the relevant fault number from the Fault Number list.
  3. Right-click and click Remove Fault Deferral. A message requiring confirmation of the action is displayed.
  4. Click Yes to remove the fault deferral for the fault.