Correct Operational Logging


This activity is used to correct operational loggings. You can add a missing operational logging, correct an existing one or mark an operational logging as a redundant logging for a vehicle and its components. Keeping track of the utilization of a vehicle and its components is critical to ensure that due dates for maintenance is calculated correctly. This again, ensures that maintenance is done at the correct time and that the vehicle is not operated beyond the due dates.

Calculated operational parameters can be corrected in the same way as all other parameters. Note that if a parameter used in a formula is corrected, no automatic calculation will be done for the calculated operational parameter.

Note: The operational logging correction process may take some time if a large number of operational loggings and serials need to be updated.


System Effects


Correct Operational Loggings

Related Window Descriptions

Correct Operational Loggings
Add Operational Logging
Modify Operational Logging
Serial Operational Information
Serial Operational Information/Operational Log
Serial Operational Log History List
History per Serial/Operational Log
Part Serial History


Follow this procedure to add a missing operational logging for a serial:

  1. Open the Correct Operational Loggings window and search for the necessary serial.
  2. In the Last From Date and Last To Date fields, enter a date interval to limit the number of operational loggings to be displayed. Click Populate.
  3. In the table, select the operational logging that the new logging should be placed after, right-click and click Add Operational Logging. The Add Operational Logging dialog box will open. All valid parameters for the serial's maintenance group with values for the selected record will be displayed in the table of the dialog box.
  4. In the Last From Date and Last To Date fields, change the default dates to the correct dates of the logging which is to be added.
  5. Select the Spread on Structure check box if the new logging is to be spread on to the structure.
  6. In the Correction Remark field, enter an explanation for why the logging is added.
  7. Enter the correct value for the new logging in the Accumulated Value field or the Add On Value field found in the table of the dialog box. If the accumulated value is given, the add on value will be updated automatically and vice versa.
  8. The Add On Value Total is defaulted with the same value as Add On Value, but this value can be changed. If you change Add On Value Total so it differs from Add On Value, Add On Value Total will not be updated if you change Add On Value once again. Value Total is accumulated based on Add On Value Total.
  9. If additional operational parameters are listed in the dialog box (i.e., new valid parameters have been added later than the selected logging), you can log enter loggings on these parameters as well or leave them untouched. The default value for these parameters is 0 (zero).
  10. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Follow this procedure to modify an existing operational logging for a serial:

  1. Open the Correct Operational Loggings window and search for the necessary serial.
  2. In the Last From Date and Last To Date fields, enter a date interval to limit the number of operational loggings to be displayed. Click Populate.
  3. In the table, select the operational logging that is to be corrected, right-click and click Modify Operational Logging. The Modify Operational Logging dialog box will open with all parameters logged at the same date and time as the selected record.
  4. Select the Spread on Structure check box if the changed logging is to be corrected for the entire structure.
  5. In the Correction Remark field, enter an explanation for why the logging is modified.
  6. Enter the correct value in the Add On Value field or the Value After Overhaul field found in the table of the dialog box. If the add on value is given, the value after overhaul will be updated automatically and vice versa.
  7. The Add On Value Total is defaulted with the same value as Add On Value, but this value can be changed. If you change Add On Value Total so it differs from Add On Value, Add On Value Total will not be updated if you change Add On Value once again. If the Add On Value Total field is cleared, the Add On Value Total defined on the logging being modified will be stored unchanged. Value Total is accumulated based on Add On Value Total.
  8. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Follow this procedure to set an operational logging as redundant for a serial:

  1. Open the Correct Operational Loggings window and search for the necessary serial.
  2. In the Last From Date and Last To Date fields, enter a date interval to limit the number of operational loggings to be displayed. Click Populate.
  3. In the table, select the operational logging that is to be set redundant, right-click and click Modify Operational Logging. The Modify Operational Logging dialog box opens with all parameters logged at the same date and time as the selected record.
  4. Select the Spread on Structure check box if the logging is to be set as redundant for the entire structure.
  5. In the Correction Remark field, enter an explanation for why the logging is redundant.
  6. In the Add On Value field and the Add On Value Total field in the table of the dialog box, enter 0 (zero).
  7. Click OK to close the dialog box.