Material Plan Graph

[About Material Plan Graphs] [About Material Requirements Planning] [About Project Material Requirements Planning]

[To Make to Stock Planning]


Use this window to generate a graph displaying the following types of non-cumulative material requirement planning (MRP) data and project material requirements planning (project MRP) data for a selected inventory (MRP or project MRP) part belonging to a site only (MRP) or a site and project activity (project MRP): supply, demand, projected balance and projected time phased safety stock.

The selections that you make in this window determine how the data will be shown on the graph. When you query for a certain part and view data in the graph window for the first time the Period Template field displays the default value of 1. It is also possible to search for a certain part at activity level and view the material plan graph. Then it is possible to change period template, project and activity using the List of Values and view data according to your selections.

The time span of the data shown on the graph is based on the begin period number and the end period number specified on the period template. In the Graph Parameters dialog box, which appears when you click Show Graph, the default period begin date is the last recalculation date of the template ID displayed in the Period Template field. The default period end date is the site date of the site displayed in the Site field. The period numbers associated with these dates are also displayed. You can change these period numbers, if required. (Enter the period number zero (0) if you want the system to consider past due data when plotting the graph). You can also change the period template's begin date by choosing a right mouse button option to recalculate the period template. If the template start date falls after the current date, then the current date appears in the Period Begin Date and Period End Date fields and the period numbers 0 and 1 are used respectively.

Activity Diagrams

Perform MRP


View material plan graph
Recalculate template for material plan graph